The first time someone tried to kill Rose Granger-Weasley was the third-worst day of her life. The last time someone tried to kill Rose Granger-Weasley was less than 24 hours ago. At that point, the witch was so used to her life being threatened that it wasn't worth adding to the list. However, the moment Albus showed up on her doorstep followed by her least favorite Slytherin was enough to earn its placement as the fourth worst day of her life. Rose Granger-Weasley is the best lawyer in the Wizengamot. When the leader of The Reformed is finally captured, Rose is tasked with sending him to Azkaban permanently. It is a dangerous assignment filled with death threats and assassination attempts. In order to protect his cousin, Auror Albus Potter, decides that Rose needs to go under witness protection with Auror Malfoy as her guard.Stuck in a safe house for the foreseeable future will Rose and Scorpius be able to survive not only the threat to their lives but the one to their hearts?…