The Deal Of Love

The Deal Of Love

42 0 7

At 24, Megh Chakraborty is a young woman of quiet beauty and deep ambition. Born and raised in the bustling city of Kolkata, she embodies the perfect blend of tradition and modernity. Megh is a software engineer, thriving in a male-dominated field with her sharp intellect and unyielding dedication. At 30, Prithvi Chatterjee is a formidable presence in the finance world. Towering and impeccably groomed, his handsome exterior belies a reputation for being aloof and intensely focused. As the head of a successful financial firm, Prithvi's life is a series of strategic moves and calculated risks, his mind always a step ahead in the game of wealth and power. Prithvi's life is dominated by numbers and profits, leaving little room for the warmth of personal connections or the messiness of emotions.To appease their traditional families, Megh and Prithvi strike a pragmatic agreement: an arranged marriage in name only. They vow to maintain their independence and focus on their careers, presenting a united front to keep their parents content. But as they navigate their faux marriage, sharing a home and daily routines, their resolve begins to waver.…