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The Faes were once a proud race, living in harmony with all races. Never had anyone ever had a problem with the Fae folk, but that was until Azog the Defiler raided the once peaceful race, now almost all Faes are in hiding using their magic to look as human as possible. Those that were captured were either tortured, killed or turned to the dark side of their magic, using them as slaves.Rowena, a 500 year old Fae has lived in peace for 150 years since the evasion, now living with Bilbo Baggins in The Shire. But the peace is disturbed once Gandalf, a Wizard, asks both Rowena and Bilbo to join in on an adventure to help reclaim the Lonely Mountain, also known as Erebor along with a group of 13 Dwarves. One of them of which Rowena finds herself captivated by, the Dwarf King, Thorin Oakenshield.Along the way, Rowena will face meeting new friends, seeing old friends, coming out about her race, heartache, seeing old enemies and fighting for her life to survive.…