She Will Be Loved

She Will Be Loved

1,377 46 2

Happily Ever After should never be called cheesy. It is the noblest, most courageous thing two people can reach for. © Elizabeth Elliott, 2014…

Demons Run

Demons Run

32,584 1,538 19

Evangelina Virgo had finally escaped an ugly past, and was now living a secure, happy, normal life. She was a college student with a well-paying job, and her best friend was secretly in love with her. All of that was shattered when one night, death creeped in and wrapped its unforgiving hands around her. Enter Roman -- an extremely good-looking demon who is seeking redemption. He saves Eve from dying by bonding his soul to hers, but unbeknownst to him, this comes with severe side-effects. When they are united again, her past is brought to light and Eve discovers things she never knew. Roman needs Eve's innocence to save his soul, but are there ulterior motives? Why would a demon want his soul back? When two Fae appear to warn Roman that the Prince of Hell, Barbatos, is dying to get his hands on precious little Eve for reasons that nobody is able to determine, the question of why arises. The archangels are making unexpected apperances and even Eve's own guardian angel. Raziel and Roman can't see eye to eye on anything except for Eve's safety. The girl begins to question her choice for this journey; she gets deeper and deeper into things she can't possibly understand, and finds out more about herself, who she is, and why her soul was chosen.Keep your eyes open, run fast, and don't let the hellhounds catch your scent, because hell is on high alert.Fantasy #749, General Fiction #761© Elizabeth Elliott and Layla Neal, all rights reserved 2014…

Demons Run (Rewritten)

Demons Run (Rewritten)

359 26 2

Eve is blissfully ignorant of the dangers lurking in the dark-waiting, bidding their time as they plot to tear her apart. Not that she knows any of this. No, Eve is your typical girl in the sense that she walks around with no great knowledge of what hums in her blood. Enter Roman-an ancient Immortal with a reputation that would make even the Knights of Hell cower. He has no soul, no family, and a bloodlust capable of racking up a higher body count than any natural disaster; however, he also has something that most other Immortals let go of with time-his memories, which may just be the last shred of his humanity. He's looking to shed the burden of immortality, and Eve may just be his only shot left.Keep your eyes open, run fast, and don't let the hellhounds catch your scent, because hell is on high alert.Fantasy #749, General Fiction #761© Elizabeth Elliott and Alexis Neal, all rights reserved 2016…

The Darkest Road {Supernatural: Book Two}

The Darkest Road {Supernatural: Book Two}

218,142 6,496 16

[BOOK TWO]One of the few creatures in the world that could bring you to your knees in seconds made herself welcome in the hearts of the Winchesters.With John Winchester dead, all Roslyn has left is Sam and Dean. The three are clinging to each other now more than ever, seeking solace in all the destruction that has become of them. It has been officially three years since she first met them.Roslyn Lovelace proved that she was not a monster, but she is still harboring very dark secrets from her two companions- secrets that could potentially ruin her relationship with them.Chaos is ensuing more than ever, and it all seems like too much to handle. The angels have finally decided to step in and make themselves known, but is this a good thing, or a very bad thing?Lilith is on the rise and she's aiming to break the 66 seals to free Lucifer- the one angel Roslyn is allowed no contact with. In the midst of all the pandemonium, Roslyn is desperately trying to hide her dark side that is becoming steadily easier to provoke. She thought she had proved her loyalty to the Winchesters-- but with the angels suddenly out in the open again, it is nearly impossible for her to choose a side. Her creators are growing more demanding and revoking bits of her free will, much to her anger. All the while, she is trying to cope with the damage around her, and discover the real reasons she was pushed into the destiny of the Winchesters.#525 Action…

The Long Drive (Supernatural - Rewritten)

The Long Drive (Supernatural - Rewritten)

1,201 63 1

Of all the legends of gods and monsters, there stands one legend essential to the rise of all great civilizations.She is called Creation. Her soul sings to humanity; but there is something very predatory about a creature so beautiful.Anca Alexavia - Roslyn, as she likes to be called - is not as docile as her commanders try to condition her to be. With titles such as 'Favored by God' and 'Defender of Man-Kind,' Roslyn knows her purpose in the world is large. After years of constant orders, the headstrong Creation has resigned to keeping her distance from celestials. In her own defiant manner, she makes her days meaningful by proving she can be her own person and not just a pawn to be exploited. Although it isn't easy being a living, walking beacon for evil that's either hell-bent on turning her, killing her, or provoking her dark side, Roslyn finds that the reward of living among humanity outweighs the risk. But she can't run forever.After a run of bad luck, Roslyn somehow finds her life at the hands of two very interesting hunters - the sons of a man she once knew well. Sam and Dean were raised to think anything non-human was bad, but could they have been wrong? Could they ever fully trust a monster who's very being is meant to disarm and charm?…

Behind the Looking Glass

Behind the Looking Glass

1,307 40 4

On the exterior, twins Acelyn and Brooklyn Smith seem like normal teenage girls, but in actuality, they are far from. Normalcy is crushed in a mere few seconds as they narrowly manage to escape their demise; having a set destination, the twins run away to their old family vacation house. They never anticipated the knock on the door, nor what they were getting into. Their life only gets curiouser and curiouser as they begin to learn of a prophecy— a prophecy that entails twins cast out of their homeland and down to earth as infants to be safe while their home was at war. As their eighteenth birthday nears, Brooklyn and Acelyn start to notice they share shocking parallels with the myth foretold, but could that just be coincidence? In a matter of weeks, their lives take an even more dramatic twist for the dark. The prophecy rings true; with indecision, love, and lies, they set out upon a perilous journey to save their lives, their people, and their world. But can they really be sure of their judgement? When lines are crossed, truths are blurred, and morality has different meaning, it begins to complicate things. After all, you can never become truly holy unless you have the opportunity to be definitively wicked.© Elizabeth Elliott and Alexis Neal, all rights reserved 2014…

Beautiful Paradox {Doctor Who}

Beautiful Paradox {Doctor Who}

39,952 1,656 7

[PREVIOUSLY "Belle and the Blue Box" - under editing but still updating]Daisy Darling knew that she was not ordinary. It wasn't that she didn't have friends or family who loved her, but she felt like dead walking among the living, unable to truly connect with anyone. It was clear in her heart that although she went through all the motions, walking among those she existed with, she was a ghost. Her peculiarity was camouflaged by a smile and a charming social mask, but not even that could fully hid the fiery brilliance that was bursting at the seams within her.Then, at precisely the right moment, a Mad-Man in a blue box swept in magnificently, commanding the attention of all. A man who called himself The Doctor. Clever, handsome, and everything beautiful about the universe, he was able to spark something to life in Daisy she hadn't even known existed. Something that explained to her why she never really felt human.From the very first moment she opened that shockingly brilliant mouth of hers, the Doctor knew Daisy was different, just as she had seen in him. Her eyes held a thousand years worth of experience and empathy, yet she was vibrant and never-ending like someone new to the world. Unlike all his companions before, Daisy knew in the beginning he would not keep her forever--but that did not at all mean she was going to let go.He had had many companions:Rose Tyler, the one he lost.Martha Jones, the one who left.Donna Noble, the one who forgot.Amy Pond, the one he saved.Daisy Darling was determined to be the one who saved him.#49 in Science Fiction…

Girl Who Escaped {Harry Potter: The Goblet of Fire} [BEING EDITED]

Girl Who Escaped {Harry Potter: The Goblet of Fire} [BEING EDITED]

288,040 7,418 21

[BOOK ONE - COMPLETED]UNDER EXTREME REVISION, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK: Chapters 19-21 have yet to be edited.Acacia (Ash) Ivory doesn't know who she is, nor where she came from. After being hidden for two years, she runs away from her adoptive home, she is discovered by none other than Albus Dumbledore. He takes her to hogwarts two months early and teaches her all she needs to know to be caught up with her age group. From being told her boyfriend will die, to the Triwaizard Tournament, Acacia is sucked into the not-so-normal consequences of being Harry Potter's friend. Throughout the year her divination teacher gives her outrageous predictions to her apparent not-so-bright future. After their first adventure, Ash returns to Hogwarts with Harry, Hermione, and Ron to continue to help them in all of their conquests. When the end nears, and Ash puts her life on the line, will her love and jealousy consume her, ultimately turning her to the dark side?---------------------------------------------------------------     When she looked at me, darkness swept into her eyes, almost so much so that for a moment I nearly believed in her credibility as a seer. "You, my darling girl… you have known deep pain and great loss in your life… and alas, it is far from over… you have been touched by The Grim… there are things about yourself that even you do not yet know... loyalties will be tested, bonds will be broken, preconceived ties shattered…you carry a darkness that exposes light in even the blackest of creatures, a darkness so deep that even demons will shudder from the dark shade you bear within your soul."…

Eruption {Marvel/Avengers}

Eruption {Marvel/Avengers}

11,357 375 7

The small island of Lanai, Hawaii, was the birthplace of two very special girls. These girls grew up like any typical Hawaiians, but their dreams were far larger than a small life could provide them.On academic excellency, Ava and Phoenix both received scholarships to the esteemed NYU in New York. The move for them is like an entirely different world.An unknown threat targets the girls and tries to kidnap them, but S.H.I.E.L.D intervenes and saves them. Nick Fury takes the girls to Tony Stark, who, is not thrilled about the babysitting service.When the team realizes they are running low on options to target the source of evil, they must turn to an unreliable god of mischief who has been prisoner of Asgard since his last attempt at seizing humanity. Loki sheds an interesting perspective on the new villain, but can he be trusted? He is walking a very thin line between the battle of good and evil; who will tip the scale, and in which direction?Avengers: It is their mission to make sure no harm comes to the civilians, and to find out what separates Phoenix and Ava from everyone else. But do some of them have reasons that go beyond the orders of Nick Fury?#54 in Adventure…

The Long Drive {Supernatural}

The Long Drive {Supernatural}

654,680 19,371 23

[BOOK ONE - COMPLETE]She's not human.Her soul sings to all things.She has a soul bearing "Lucifer's Curse."When God created humans, it piqued the curiosity of the few major angels. They liked his design, and they used it to shape their own creature from the dust of stars. Thus, a creature known as a Curtanis was born. A Curtanis is a human-looking specimen with the wisdom of angels, and all the power of a witch. The Curtanis was designed to allure humans into following them and into listening to them when the angels couldn't interfere. A Curtanis can be dangerous should their temper combust.Roslyn Lovelace is the third Curtanis in the cycle, and very different from all the others. She, in particular, was favored by God, and given the role as a defender of man-kind. Very headstrong, she's constantly trying to prove she can be her own person and not just heaven's weapon of mass destruction. After thousands and thousands of years of living in heaven under the wings of angels, she requests to spend her days on earth. With permission granted, she leaves.Although it isn't easy being tailed by demons that are hell-bent on provoking her dark side, Roslyn liked her life. As a result of being tracked by a hoard of demons, Roslyn is forced to run away in search of protection. She even has to seek help from people she'd never liked. Hunters.After a close encounter, Roslyn's life is saved by the Winchester boys. Coincidentally, she has been searching for their father and the stroke of luck thrills her. When they tell her that John is missing, she has no choice but to accompany them and look for the lost hunter.Sam and Dean were raised to think anything non-human was bad, but could they have been wrong? Could they accept a monster with pretty eyes into their lives? Roslyn is torn between wanting the Winchesters' approval and trust, while also trying to fulfill her loyalty to the angels, her creators.Which does she have to sacrifice for the other?…

Bad Moon Rising {Supernatural}

Bad Moon Rising {Supernatural}

16,121 756 3

[DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the CWs characters. This is a stand alone story and does not follow the events in Supernatural, nor does it take place in any particular season. The plot line is of my own creation.]Piper Lux was raised by the wolves-- hunters. You can only imagine what sort of woman it made her. Easy on the eyes like a true predator, but crude and foul-mouthed and deadly. Piper was one of the few to get out and receive an education away from the nightmares, but she was also one of the few who had enjoyed her job. After three years of college, Piper grew bored and returned home to her uncle, Bobby Singer, who is appalled by her decision to rejoin the fight. They are visited by two men, Sam and Dean Winchester, and one angel, Castiel, who are bearing news of a new type of evil in the world.'Taken' are shadow monsters that feed on corruption and negativity-- they can steal people's hearts and turn them into a product of darkness. There is a path of clues hidden inside of Piper's dreams leading to what unleashed the shadow creatures into the world and why, and Piper is anxious to follow that path. But is there more hidden in the darkness than just the source of this new evil? There comes a point in time when you have to ask yourself: will I be the hero of this story? Or the villain?#180 Mystery/Thriller…

Girl Who Survived: Book Two {Harry Potter: Order of Phoenix}

Girl Who Survived: Book Two {Harry Potter: Order of Phoenix}

174,714 4,953 24

[BOOK TWO]Acacia Ivory. What do you think of when you hear that name? For many wizards, they think of a very famous, very powerful witch, who attends Hogwarts. For one dark wizard in particular, it strikes fear into his very core. Why? Because, she is the very witch that can bring upon his destruction. Not only does she come from a line of pure blooded witches and wizards, but they were also pure hearted. The only Dark Lords hope is to manipulate her into thinking she's doing the right thing. Acacia has been told her jealousy and loyalty are her most dangerous qualities. Is she fighting a losing battle? -Outside of Hogwarts, all this young witch does is roam the streets of London with her faithful companion, Simba. Acacia (Ash) has only had a glimpse of her past. She does not know who her parents are, why her existence was supposed to be a secret, or what her reason for being is. All the teachers see what great potential she has in every single magic class, and what little effort it takes! You might think this is a good thing, but for them, it most certainly is not. They fear the prophecy is coming to be true. In the midst of Acacia finding out more about her life and existence, Lord Voldemort has returned. Ash's best friend (Excluding the twins, Ron, and Hermione.) Harry Potter, grows worried. To top it off, Acacia can't seem to shake Draco Malfoy. He has changed a lot over the holidays. She despises him for being so rude and evil to her friends, yet, when they're alone, he's friendly and very unlike himself. With the accusations about Voldemort's return scoffed at, Dumbldore, Harry, and Acacia are targeted by the ministy. All Acacia can do is sit back and watch, as a vile, authoritarian bureaucrat seizes power at Hogwarts.…