A Love Lost In Fate

A Love Lost In Fate

135 0 10

Hallie seemed to have everything she could ever want in life. She had the perfect boyfriend, perfect friends and the perfect life. However, fate had other plans for her. Everything in her life was going to turn upside down just because she let a person in her life that she never should have. Will their romance last until the end? Will she get her normal life back? Find out now on "A Love Lost In Fate", publishing only on Wattpad.…



12 0 1


Draco Malfoy and Five Hargreeves Smuts

Draco Malfoy and Five Hargreeves Smuts

12,875 41 4

cringe ass smuts lmao, I made these stories when I was 12 so yes, You can judge me on how cringe these stories are💀. I wanted to delete all these stories and make a whole new account dedicated to writing cute and wholesome stories. But I figured some of my past readers "liked" them and so I decided to keep them instead. So therefore, Please enjoy these four cringe and terrible Draco Malfoy and Five Hargreeves smut stories.…