Our Story

Our Story

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Cinderella (All That Mattered)
At The Funeral
Friends With Benefits
What Love Meant To Us

What Love Meant To Us

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“Because I don’t need to put on a mask when you’re around! I can be myself when I’m with you. I don’t need to be perfect, because I know you stay for what I truly am. I don’t need to pretend to be somebody I am not. I can show you all my ugly faces and I know you won’t mind. And you know what? It works the other way around. You don’t need to be perfect. You don’t need a mask as long as I’m with you. You can show me all your evils and I won’t be running away. I’m staying. I don’t need a perfect you, because I love you just the way you are.”He stopped for a moment, catching his breath, and continued. “Because you love me for what I am, just like I love you for what you are. That’s how I know we are meant to be.”…

An Unfinished Tale Of A Little Girl
My Wife and I - In Our Last Time Together
The Last Rain In March

The Last Rain In March

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“Love is never wrong, Sweetheart. It’s the way we love that makes it right or wrong.”…

17 Forever

17 Forever

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When someone is destined to be with you, no matter what, fate will bring you together.…

A Lonely Table for Three