On the brink of death, Adrien realizes who and what is most important to him, bringing a drastic change to his life.…
On the brink of death, Adrien realizes who and what is most important to him, bringing a drastic change to his life.…
/HarperTrance/ Harper faces demons from his past. Will Trance be able to help him overcome them?…
[Ben/Gwen] [BWEN] Ben runs away after realizing his feelings for Gwen, this doesn't sit too well with Gwen or Grandpa Max.…
The Devil's Court is in session, but who is on trial?…
(ZidaneDagger) Garnet is injured during their travels, to what lengths will Zidane go to save her life? Would he be willing to die for her? I also do change a bit of the storyline, ok, a lot of the storyline.…
Sora loves Kairi, Riku loves Kairi, and she loves them both. When the time comes for her to pick, who will she choose knowing that she'll hurt the other?…
[SoraKairi][Oneshot] My version of how Kairi came to Destiny Islands.…
Set before, during, and after the game. This story follows two lost lovers as they search for each other.…
(ZeldaLink)(One Shot) Link, viewing that his time with Zelda has ended, leaves to begin life anew. But what if Zelda doesn't feel the same way?…
[Robin/Starfire] [RobStar]. Isolated from those around him, Richard Grayson loses himself in the abysmal solitude of the unloved and unwanted, but could there be hope for him?…
Follows the romance between Aeris (Aerith in America) and Cloud as it progresses to the end of the adventure. As I've not beaten the game yet (had my memory card with a save on disk 3 stolen along with the game), this will be my version of the ending, how I feel it should end.…
Shinji writes a poem to the person he loves, but events tend to work against him as usual.…
(Ulrich/Yumi) (Jeremie/Aelita) AU: X.A.N.A. has won; this is how the survivors fight to take back the future.…
(Ulrich/Yumi) (YxU) Ulrich realizes that he will never have the one he loves, so he turns to his only other option.…
What happens when Trance finds out that she is pregnant? How will she tell Harper? Takes place after 'Speak Softly Once Again,' Please read them to know what's happening here.…
Sequel to 'Things Left Unsaid.'…
After another battle with the Drago-Kazov, the Andromeda is performing repairs when the ship is infected by a Computer Virus. Takes place after the episode "Ouroboros," and several others after that. So Trance, sadly, is no longer purple. This story is the complete version of my stories 'Things Left Unsaid' and 'Speak Softly Once Again'.…
After another battle with the Drago-Kazov, the Andromeda is performing repairs when the ship is infected by a Computer Virus. Takes place after the episode "Ouroboros," and several others after that. So Trance is no longer purple.…
Trance is injured when unknown aliens try to overtake Andromeda. Harper does everything he can to save her.…
Harper is separated from the rest of the crew, while separated he suffers serious withdrawals and is confronted by demons from the past.…