A Veil of Tears and Secrets

A Veil of Tears and Secrets

46 3 3

"Prince Haggard?! I can't marry him, Father he's-!" "This is not a negotiation, Eleanor! You have no choice! You are marrying him whether you like it or not!" Shouted my father. My mother sighed. "Now, now honey. No need to get angry with her. Ella, I think it would be best if you let me talk to your father about this. I'll have Dimitri Escort you to your room." This is my story. Being royal isn't the dresses, wealth, and vanity every sees it as... And that is something I have figured out on my own.Rated (PG-13) Contains mild violence and romantic themes.…

Hidden Ones

Hidden Ones

153 1 7

"What is a lovely lady like you doing in here?" A male voice called from the doorway of the building. "Ummm..." I was speechless. I had just escaped the danger of a weak boy my age, and now I had to escape a fast, strong, and smart one. Most likely a Coyote. "Invading our buildings now Kaslyn?" He asked. Oh no. He knew who I was. "Uhhh..." I backed away as he came closer. He laughed raspily, his voice echoing around the small, industrial room. He was probably preparing to lock me up just like the other kid. Another lonely, starving prisoner. I backed to the wall, placing both my hands on a horizontal pipe attached to the wall behind me. With that behind me, I had a chance. The story takes place in Detroit, Michigan. After an apocalyptic event they named "The Calling" where the government killed off everyone who did not make a significant amount of money to provide to them in taxes, a girl named Kaslyn is forced to live on the streets with a group of fellow teenagers, trying to survive with no money, no home, and no family. The streets are infested with gangs, and Kaslyn has had to learn how to escape every dangerous situation, whether its by running, fighting, or talking. Rated (PG-13)…

A Vampire's Arrow

A Vampire's Arrow

45 3 3

Paige, Raynii, and Kadence are three young female vampires, living in a forest populated with several other packs of vampires. They have learned from life experiences on how to move swiftly, and dodge swords whilst shooting their poison-tipped arrows. They are fanged, with the power to inject venom into people and animals. Most vampires are given deadly venom, others, given the power to heal with a single bite. Kadence was blessed with the power to heal, but it plagues her daily, and she struggles to protect herself with nothing more than a bow and arrows.…

The Green Plague of Ashvoden

The Green Plague of Ashvoden

26 4 8

After radioactive fumes kill every human in the small town of Ashvoden, Claire Roosevelt thinks she's all alone. When she discovers a stranger exploring her stomping grounds, will they get along, or will what she thought of as peace be shattered?…