The Life of a Writer

The Life of a Writer

30 4 4

I've been asked many questions about my writing, so I've decided to answer them in the form of this book. Some of the answers are super long and go off topic, but hey; I'm a writer. Deal with it. ;) If you have any additional questions for me, comment on any chapter and I'll be sure to answer it in a future chaper. None of my answers will include spoilers, but some are specificity related to a certain book and will make more sense if you read the actual book first.…

What Are Friends For?

What Are Friends For?

102 18 16

The first month of high school isn't as easy as the Fabulous Four expected...Jenna feels caught in the middle when she befriends a rival squad at school. Will Jenna be able to convince Naisy and Rachel that her new friends aren't that bad?Naisy's grades are slipping because her concentration is broken due to the hot student teacher. If she can't get at least a B, her hippie parents won't let her attend the big Halloween Dance next month.Rachel is upset when she thinks that two girls are making fun of her. She gets more upset when she realizes that a close friend is in on it.Kimmy is tired of all the drama because it is tearing the friend group apart. Can she find a way to make peace again?…

That Awkward Moment When...

That Awkward Moment When...

318 41 18

A collection of relatable awkward moments…



348 24 20

"You don't need any other friends. Friends back talk each other and fight and cause drama. They say they're there for you but they really aren't. They lie. They spread rumors. But I won't, Kendra. I'm not like them." ***** Best friends Kendra and Millie have known each other forever, but their friendship is put to the ultimate test when Millie befriends the most popular girl in school and leaves Kendra behind. But Kendra meets a new friend too. Her name is Abigail, but she won't tell Kendra anything about her past or her life. Abigail is a very interesting person and helps Kendra break out of her shell and do things she never would have been brave enough to do before. At first, Abigail's adventures seem harmless, but after Kendra gets to know her new friend, she begins to question her definition of fun.…

Survival Week

Survival Week

386 42 20

It all started with a school assignment. One week in the woods. Survive. Pass. It's as simple as that. But anything with friends Naomi, Jenna, and Elaina is not going to be that simple.…

Something Strange is Going on

Something Strange is Going on

244 30 10

Camp Cat Tail is your ordinary summer camp for Haley Harris; campfires, mosquitoes, hikes, and s'mores. But something strange is going on at camp. Haley's friends are turning against her to join a backstabber in her cabin. Can Haley figure out what's going on before something drastic happens?…