Whispers In The Dark

Whispers In The Dark

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WARNING: MAY CONTAIN SELF HARMHave u read the fault in our stars? If not then do give it a read after reading my book. If you have then well the book I have written is an attempt to replicate the whirlwind of emotions you felt when you read the fault in our stars. No, the plot is not the same :)~In the heart-wrenching tale of "Whispers in the Dark," meet Luna Evernight, a troubled 16-year-old grappling with the weight of despair and family turmoil. Lost in a world of darkness, Luna's only wish is to fade away, until she crosses paths with Nathaniel Blackwood. With an enigmatic presence and a compassionate soul, Nathaniel ignites a flicker of hope within Luna's weary heart, guiding her toward the light she thought she'd lost forever.As Luna and Nathaniel's bond deepens, their connection becomes a lifeline amidst the shadows. But just as Luna begins to glimpse a future filled with love and possibility, fate deals a cruel hand. Cancer ravages Luna's fragile body, threatening to extinguish the flame Nathaniel ignited within her. As Luna's life slips away, Nathaniel is faced with an impossible choice: to cling to hope or succumb to the darkness that threatens to consume them both.In a haunting tale of love, loss, and the fragile threads that bind us together, "Whispers in the Dark" explores the depths of despair and the transformative power of love. But as Luna and Nathaniel navigate the tumultuous journey of life, the ultimate fate of their intertwined souls remains shrouded in uncertainty, leaving readers spellbound until the very end. Will love conquer all, or will the shadows claim their final victory?…

Destined To Be Together??

Destined To Be Together??

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When percy is betrayed by everyone he knew . He is recruited by chaos and order adopted by Void and Nature the father and mother of universe . He becomes the leader of the deadliest assassinins of the universe .For a vacation he goes to Hogwarts School of withcraft and wizardry, where he meets the love of his life .Percy x Hermione GrangerLuke x GinnyZoe x DracoCharacters belong to jk rowling and rick riordan…