Death's Exception

Death's Exception

1,804 82 52

You tell your kids to not be afraid of monsters. "They don't exist" is the common told lie. Little do you know that monsters do exist, and too often are we the ones who create them. Aurora Destiel deserved to be a normal girl, with a normal life. She deserved to live once, and die once like every other human. But she learned first-hand the consequences of those who mess with death, and all of his power. This is the story of how Aurora became a monster.…

Mend Me, Darling

Mend Me, Darling

171 12 7

This is the story of a prideful Margaret Tettley, and a persistent Elliot Grove. A story how love does not only break people, but it can also mend them.…

The Darkest Souls

The Darkest Souls

953 24 28

Set in Seattle, Washington, Lacey Evans just turned fifteen. Her life alone is a wreck of peace. Nothing seems to happen besides an occasional fight to break out between humans who have been dominated by light or darkness to where it has become a part of them and their abilities. Even those have gotten tiring and normal. Lacey recently recovered from a severe stab to her chest which sent her six years of hospitalization including mental recovery. She now has time to herself, too much time. Her family was rich, so being a writer, her low income doesn't matter to her survival and pleasure in the world. Constantly her mind travels back to the past. Having memories of a group that her parents led during the years they were still living. She is more important than she lets herself believe, and her choices can destroy the world. ---------------------------This book is my project for NaNoWriMo, so if all goes right I should have this finished by the end of November! I hope you all enjoy it. Comments are welcome. Written By: E…

Refinement: A War of Europe

Refinement: A War of Europe

3,224 164 48

"Refinement: A War Of Europe" is the first book in a Dystopian Trilogy. It portrays a raging war between "West" (Located in England) and "East" (Located in Russia). There are two Protagonists, both from different views of the war. Eloise, a fifteen year old girl, had her father and little sister lost at the hands of the Easterns, and is constantly fighting inwardly with her burning desire for revenge. She is not skilled in anything physical, but her mental capacity is superb. Anya, a seventeen year old girl, has had to live on her own with only her best friend Lecyna to help find food. Her whole life she was agonizingly poor, and had to scavenge for her food illegally. Both Anya and Eloise were chosen for a system to change them, or rather, refine them to become a soldier. They had to go through a certain amount of stages to certify themselves as worthy to fight for their country.…

Toy Soldiers In An Imaginary Fire ~M

Toy Soldiers In An Imaginary Fire ~M

84 2 1

Back in the Civil Rights Movement in Birmingham, Alabama, there was a story that is not publicized as much as I think it should be. It is the story of children marching, when the Adults had not the courage to do so. They marched with the knowledge that they could be sent to jail, and were instructed to bring a tooth brush for that possibility. The youngest arrested was 8 years old. The police, seeing that they could not arrest all of the kids (there wasn't enough room in the jail), sprayed fire hoses at them, the pressure of the water injuring many. They also set out wild dogs. They sang and danced as they were hauled off to jail, and they were in their best clothing. This was a celebration. This was a movement. ~M…

Finnick's Contrition

Finnick's Contrition

87 5 1

Suzanne Collins wrote the ravishing trilogy The Hunger Games, and provided us with a much loved character by the name of Finnick Odair. This little fanfiction is a look deeper within the character, and it reveals his love for one, although he is forced show it to many. Written by ~M. :)…