

59 3 9

He pulled back his fist, and I braced myself, waiting for an explosion of pain. I heard a sickening crack. His expression was gleeful, lips wide in a smile, his eyes hyper-focused and wild at the same time. They peered at me and looked into deep into my soul. He leaned his head down and his breath ghosted across my face. "We're gonna be best friends Kamille... I can just feel it." ***Kamille, codename Salix, is a failure of a superhero. He's barely even a sidekick. In fact, he'd rather just hang out in his garden and gossip with his plants. Xander, also known as Mars, is the strongest superhero the world has ever seen. He is considered unstoppable, with no weakness. Except for Kamille. However, nothing is as it appears, and something dark is brewing. And it just might be Xander.…

The Perfect Couple

The Perfect Couple

313 23 5

Everything about her was a lie. Her hair, her clothes, her smile - the very air she breathed.Everything about him was the truth. His handsome face, his quirky smile, his love for animals - his kind nature. Against all odds, they fell in love. To them love truly is blind.***Juliet is living a lie. Her mother controls her life. She is forced to be the perfect doll; always smiling, always happy, always beautiful, always perfect. However, she longs to be free of the chains of perfection. Lance is a bona-fide genius. He finished university at the age of 18 and has been ridiculed all his life for his brain. However, he never lost his kind nature, thirst for beauty or sense of adventure. An unexpected meeting leads to an unexpected story. One not only about love, but also about acceptance. Looks aren't always what they seem.And maybe, just maybe, love isn't actually blind.…

J. (Discontinued)

J. (Discontinued)

83 3 4

Since J. was a baby girl her dreams would consist only of the Games. She's gotten used to them, even learned to enjoy them. But, she's always known they weren't real. A figment of her overactive imagination; as her therapists say. That is, until people from the game die, and don't wake up in real life. J. must learn to fight against time, and her own mind to put a stop to the deaths. And maybe, just maybe, save herself in the process.…

Deadly Letters (Discontinued)

Deadly Letters (Discontinued)

468 20 5

Viper Ironsnake is cold and emotionless; or so he seems. Luvena Orabelle is kind and loving. They are childhood friends. A pureblood vampire and a human; what could go wrong? With a psychotic vampire killing people, and potentially Luvena, this pair has their share of troubles. It's a romance mystery that you'll be happy you sunk your teeth into.…

Plastic and Glass
Simply Sing A Lullaby
The Glove


30 1 1

In this world, who are the true monsters?…

And Then, We All Die

And Then, We All Die

45 1 1

Horror story about a dream. Creepy, but, not outright scary. Caution:Do not read when alone in house. It is recommended to have your lights on.…

Who Knows?

Who Knows?

29 1 1

A girl experiences death and she is found in a peculiar state. Read about her death, and the aftermath.…

Blood Red Moon

Blood Red Moon

295 3 1

A short story of a murder, done in the most exciting way.…