Plotting the Short Story (by Culpeper Chunn - 1922)

Plotting the Short Story (by Culpeper Chunn - 1922)

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"A Practical Exposition of Germ-Plots, What They Are and Where to Find Them: the Structure and Development of the Plot; and the Relation of the Plot to the Story."-- Culpeper Chunn (Seymour Cunningham Chunn, 1889-1927)TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 - Germ-Plots What They Are and Where to Find ThemCHAPTER 2 - Structure of the PlotCHAPTER 3 - Plot Development: Simple Plots; Complicated PlotsCHAPTER 4 - Relation of the Plot to the Storyhttps://archive.org/details/plottingshortsto00chunhttp://www.isfdb.org/cgi-bin/ea.cgi?18066Also including Doctor X --(a five-minute tale by Culpeper Chunn,published in the July/August 1923 issue of Weird Tales)https://archive.org/details/WeirdTalesV02N0119230708/page/n21/mode/1up…