Experiment 25 - a Generic Object Battle fanfic
Cactus is an EVIL scientist lady, so OBVIOUSly she would kidnap fellow competitors and do experiments on them! Otherwise how will she prove she's super evil? The easiest people she can go for is the eliminated contestants. Let's see how this goes!GOB au fanfic hehe. It's like part joke part serious cuz I'm like that. There may be ships in it but I don't have everything planned so I can't say for certain but there will probably be ships. I know which characters are children and they won't be shipped!⚠️ WARNINGS⚠️The story isn't very far yet so I can't say for certain what will be in it unfortunately. I will update this when something comes up. For now, be aware that this is an evil science experiment AU! So you should expect bad stuff! I will say it will not be so gorey as I don't headcanon objects to have organs. The limbs, mouths, and eyes though, they're free game for blood.This story is OBVIOUSLY inspired by the inanimate insanity fanfic, Experiment 21 (by @IDKsomethingorother). It is NOT meant to ridicule that story. I liked it and realized there was actually an evil scientist in GOB and thought "you know what would be funny?"…