Solace in You

Solace in You

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de Serenio #1[TAGLISH]IRIS FIEL6 years in college and shifting from one course to another isn't ideal for most students and parents. Being an irregular student is a waste of time and money. Finally, I finished college and have a stable job. But why am I not happy with my achievements? What is really my purpose in this life? Where do I belong? I want to know the answers. Why do I feel so lost?APOLLO DE SERENIOScreaming fans isn't new to me, even the ones who has the guts to approach me while I'm eating outside with my friends or family. I appreciate their love and support, really. I just want to have a little bit of privacy, which I think I deserve. Maybe a little bit of peace, too. I'm not even a celebrity. Success i really nothing if your peace of mind is at stake. I just want to go away from everyone who treats me like I'm made of glass that would shatter any minute. Take me away from here...…