NGO schools in Noida

NGO schools in Noida

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PARKSHALA- EDUCATION UNDER THE TREE, VISION 2020Parkshala team is a Noida-based NGO dedicated to transforming lives of children who hail from the lower strata of the society. We work as an after-school support group to bridge the educational & moral gap between these children and their affluent peers. Further, we are trying to utilize already available resources for this purpose. So our lessons take place in community parks and halls.OUR FOCUS FOR 2020 • Start more centres for ParkshalaTM• To connect our students with educated affluent adults who want to give back to the society• Empower these students with English proficiency• Provide counseling & mentorship as early as grades X & XI so these children can start on the path of becoming first-generation graduates• To inculcate moral values so these children can grow up to be responsible adults• Set-up funds for career-oriented, promising students who want to pursue fields (Eg. Medicine, IIT) that require external coaching.OUR ACADEMICSThe schools our children go to lack basic amenities and quality education. Moreover, most of their peers at such schools are uninterested in education. So, our first and foremost focus is on academic growth and improvement.• Subjects that students find difficult like English and Chemistry are taught directly by our founder, Priya Gupta• We conduct regular tests to gain insight into problem areas.• Remedical classes our conducted during summer and winter vacations to bring weak students at par with others in their grade.• Improvement has been observed in grades at school, fluency in spoken English, overall confidence while asking questions, curiosity to know more.…

Charity education Noida

Charity education Noida

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Parkshala took initiative dedicated to health, nutrition, and hygiene of underprivileged children.Under this initiative, we focused on healthcare by conducting medical camps for the children at Parkshala. The children who need further examinations are taken to respective hospitals till they are completely treated. These services are free for them.The other aspect we focus on is nutrition. We try to provide healthy snacks, fruit and milk-based drinks to the children weekly. People choose to celebrate their special occasions by sponsoring and sharing a healthy meal with the children!…

Best NGO schools in Noida

Best NGO schools in Noida

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Alongwith academics, Parkshala also focuses on value education and character-building. The environment at most of these children's homes is not conducive for learning and they lack good role-models in their lives. These kids will soon be the youth of India and it is immensely crucial to have compassionate, well-behaved, diligent and honest souls on the streets.• 13 of our students our YPV level 1 practitioners trained by Yoga Prana Vidya, an organization that follows and teaches the healing practices taught by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui• Regular meditation and forgiveness exercises are conducted• Moral stories are read out to the younger children• Cleanliness drives within the park are undertaken every month• Hygiene is talked about and emphasized upon regularly…

Parkshala - Education Under The Tree

Parkshala - Education Under The Tree

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Parkshala is a Noida-based NGO dedicated to transforming lives of children who hail from the lower strata of the society. We work as an after-school support group to bridge the educational & moral gap between these children and their affluent peers.Further, we are trying to utilize already available resources for this purpose. So our lessons take place in community parks and halls.The schools our children go to lack basic amenities and quality education. Moreover, most of their peers at such schools are uninterested in education. So, our first and foremost focus is on academic growth and improvement.Academics:• Subjects that students find difficult like English and Chemistry are taught directly by our founder, Priya Gupta• We conduct regular tests to gain insight into problem areas.• Remedical classes our conducted during summer and winter vacations to bring weak students at par with others in their grade.• Improvement has been observed in grades at school, fluency in spoken English, overall confidence while asking questions, curiosity to know more.…

Social Work Delhi

Social Work Delhi

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We are stoked to share with you all that on the auspicious occasion of Gurupurab, @Parkshala in collaboration with Nikhaar Foundation opened up its new Holistic Development Center at Vivekananda Park, Andrewsganj(Delhi) 😁.With the inclusion of 50+ kids from the new Center, our total strength across the 3 branches is now 300+So grateful for everyone who's been instrumental in making this happen!…

Teaching Values-NGO mentor program

Teaching Values-NGO mentor program

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Alongwith academics, Parkshala also focuses on value education and character-building. The environment at most of these children's homes is not conducive for learning and they lack good role-models in their lives. These kids will soon be the youth of India and it is immensely crucial to have compassionate, well-behaved, diligent and honest souls on the streets.• 13 of our students our YPV level 1 practitioners trained by Yoga Prana Vidya, an organization that follows and teaches the healing practices taught by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui• Regular meditation and forgiveness exercises are conducted• Moral stories are read out to the younger children• Cleanliness drives within the park are undertaken every month• Hygiene is talked about and emphasized upon regularly…

Stop Child Marriage

Stop Child Marriage

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According to @unicef , India has the highest absolute number of Child #brides in the world- 15,509,000! While the number is down by 51% since 2000( According to an article in @economictimes), States of Bihar, Rajasthan and West Bengal still remain hubs of this #social #evil. Deeply rooted cultural norms and lack of education are some of the reasons for the prevalence of this practice. Educating daughters is not seen as a priority. Parents would rather save money for dowry than invest in their child's education. #TrueStoryAdolescents, both boys and girls, need to be empowered and educated. There's a need to make them feel strong enough and SAFE enough to stand up against it.India is working towards eliminating child, early and forced marriage by 2030. We would love for you to be a part of this initiative in your own little way- educate your drivers and house help, tell them that it's both morally and legally wrong. Save the girl child from all the horrific sexual, psychological and physical trauma that comes with early marriage.…

Parkshala - Education Under The Tree

Parkshala - Education Under The Tree

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Parkshala is a Noida-based NGO dedicated to transforming lives of children who hail from the lower strata of the society. We work as an after-school support group to bridge the educational & moral gap between these children and their affluent peers.Further, we are trying to utilize already available resources for this purpose. So our lessons take place in community parks and halls.…