strange seas are for stronger swimmers

strange seas are for stronger swimmers

440 6 10

The world is in danger and the Doctor is nowhere to be seen. Left behind, Yaz, Ryan and Graham have been given only one task: find Jane Smith, and keep her safe.…

don't you ever tame your demons (but always keep them on a leash)

don't you ever tame your demons (but always keep them on a leash)

57 2 2

'What's your regret tonight, miss?' the woman whispers. Her mouth stays open, just a little, like she is about to inhale, but there is no release in her chest, no breath spiralling out ghostly in the heathen night. 'How far have you fallen?'Flirting with the fallen will never end well.Vampire!Thirteen AU.(Work title taken from 'Arsonist's Lullabye' by Hozier.)…

more of the universe

more of the universe

113 1 4

"You're like, the best person I've ever met."And here I present my pile of Series 11 Doctor Who one-shots, fics and drabbles I receive from Tumblr. mainly Thasmin. All of this will be posted on my Tumblr (tardis-sapphics).…

i might brave the fire til the feeling hits

i might brave the fire til the feeling hits

190 2 4

Escape should not be so convoluted; so emotionally draining. But travelling with the Doctor has its downsides - for the Doctor, as much as anyone else.Even in the mires of another planet's war, there is a past come back to haunt them. All Yaz can try to do is survive it.(Based on a Tumblr prompt received by me on…

you will see me come undone

you will see me come undone

287 8 1

Seeing Chloe's face drop when she plays the mix at the next official practice is honestly the best reaction Beca could have hoped for. Beca has floored her; she's totally exposed, having to listen to what is most definitely one of her lady jams and discuss the parts each person is going to sing. All the while pretending it doesn't have an effect on her at all.Beca and Chloe incorporate their flirting game into their Bellas practices. One of them has to crack sooner or later.Work title taken from Help Me Lose My Mind // Disclosure feat. London Grammar.THIS IS THE ORIGINAL. DO NOT REPOST.…

i'll give you the moon

i'll give you the moon

178 12 2

"What is it you want, Mary? What do you want? You want the moon? Just say the word, and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down. Hey. That's a pretty good idea. I'll give you the moon, Mary.""I'll take it. And then what?""Well, then you can swallow it, and it'll all dissolve, see... and the moonbeams would shoot out of your fingers and your toes and the ends of your hair... am I talking too much?"She watches Clarke mouth the words, and she is fascinated.She knows exactly what her siblings would say. You're soft, they'd chortle. Big Bad Lexa, all soft for a girl. And that's precisely the point.Clarke and Lexa are forced to stay overnight in their hotel on Christmas Eve, because of the snowstorm outside.It's a problem for Clarke - she has her Christmas traditions and there's only so much she can do in a hotel room.It's a problem for Lexa, too - for entirely different reasons.Cue the soppy gay pining.…



1,985 109 15

She thinks of her readings at school; the words and stories she grew up with. Finn is no virtuous Othello: jealousy makes a fool of the noblest man, but Finn was just a fool for thinking Clarke's heart could still have room for him.Maybe Clarke was, too, for believing the same. Once. The pool waits for her. All she needs to do is dive.A Girls Like Girls video (by Hayley Kiyoko) AU for Clexa.…

the only exception

the only exception

83 5 1

Chloe has two all-time favourite songs. They aren't from the Dixie Chicks, they aren't hidden gems from her extensive collection of music. No, while Chloe loves anything and everything to do with music, her favourite songs aren't fully to do with how they sound. They're her favourite songs because of the memories she's got attached to them.And - of course - those memories involve Beca.…



58 3 1

clara's gone. the doctor grieves.…

take me home, where i belong

take me home, where i belong

64,198 1,704 27

Soulmate AU, where everyone has the number of hours, minutes and seconds until they meet their soulmate tattooed on their arm.Carmilla had thought of Ell as her temporary escape, a freedom from the life she was leading. But Carmilla didn't need an escape anymore - she needed a home.Laura had always been curious about the idea of her soulmate, like everyone had. But instead of just searching for a sense of completeness, Laura wanted adventure.Carmilla and Laura may get what they want, but it might just tear their worlds apart.Work title taken from Runaway // AURORA.…

girls of the stars (girls of the lakes sequel)

girls of the stars (girls of the lakes sequel)

1,115 19 17

In the Lake District, Tamara Sadik-Wilkinson discovered a new favourite place, made new memories, and found a new love. But that was her holidays, and now she's back at school. But her love for Rose has not disappeared; it has grown.The world is suddenly a much different place for her, and she must cope with having a long-distance relationship. Now Tamara faces real challenges from her intense relationship and from the prejudice in society.…

girls of the lakes

girls of the lakes

1,337 44 14

Tamara Sadik-Wilkinson has never been to the Lake District before. She has never experienced the breath-taking views of the countryside that makes it so famous. That's all she expects to discover when she goes there on holiday - but the surprise arrival of the enigmatic Rose Fletching throws all that out of the water. This holiday, Tammie will discover more than she ever expected.…