

23 1 3

It's been long since I stopped staring at the bundle of sheets I use as my nightstand-Jane Allen's unpublished unreleased stories about her real life. She never released them because, face it, no one wants to know the dark side of a celebrity sweetheart. Plus, the police would be after her if she said that she did everything that she did. So the job of bringing it out to the public comes to me. I'll write everything I read, and I'll tell everything I know. But I wasn't there when it happened. The world would be better if we had actual monsters to kill. Vampires, werewolves, that sort of thing. But the monsters we're stuck with, sneak up on us in our sleep. They don't live beneath our beds no, they lie on top of them. Maybe that is why it's so difficult to distinguish between who made the right choice and who didn't.Jane is not a good person. But this story isn't about her becoming one. It is not about the fact that she isn't a monster, no, but the fact that she almost... ALMOST became one.…

The Naturals

The Naturals

115 13 10

Asmee had been a normal girl until abnormal things started to happen around her. She knew something was wrong when her mother allowed her to a school camp. She knew something was up when she realized the liar she'd become and how they easily believed every word she said. Asmee is new in Aranyakashi, a town in India surrounded by a large dense forest on one side and the metropolitan on the other. Her family always keeps moving around, but owing to circumstances, she's unlikely to ever leave again. And she's also unlikely to ever see her family again.…

the third person

the third person

348 27 19

Teenagers have never had their lives easy. But Ash and Art were having it especially hard. Being twin brothers, they did everything together. The only different things were their personalities and choices. Love is cruel, unexpected, and frustrating. But most of all, it is love. And love is love.…