the lost heir (harry potter)
"Buried, almost tangible secrets filled the space between them, and so, without a second to think, she closed it."The scars of war opened more wounds than Harry Potter thought possible. As he returns to Hogwarts for his eighth and final year, he learns to love again and to navigate the twists and turns of the teenage life he was robbed of. In this age of rediscovery and rebirth, the world will find a way to repay Harry in a way he never anticipated. But even if Lord Voldemort is defeated and Death Eaters vanish, evil is never fully eradicated. Hidden away, the Gryffindor family lives on. Known as the oldest wizards in recent history, they have been in hiding for years, each possibility of their whereabouts conspired and theorized about by an obsessed Hermione Granger. Gossip, secrets, and rumors surround the mysterious deaths of the last Gryffindor heirs. The whole Wizarding World is searching for the rumored baby girl, lost from the public eye forever, a human baby reduced to nothing but a rumor. Another adventure awaits Harry Potter, the boy who can't have a peaceful school year: one of romance, ancestry, and bravery, one that might be more than he bargained for.(harry potter x oc)✰ The idea of keeping it a secret shamefully excited Harry. He relished the sensation of secrets dancing on skin where she touched him, like they had come to life under her fingertips. ✰ "My heart hasn't slowed down since the day you died. I like to think it's making up for your lost time."…