Heart Stamped Letters

Heart Stamped Letters

67 5 5

For years of bottling up their feelings for each other, Bokuto moves away for college, but still nothing has happened in the realm of romanticism. Who will give up their pride to tell the other how they feel? When will the facade of platonomy fall?(cover art not mine)…

Artbook #2

Artbook #2

466 3 145

guess what guysss my other artbook outgrew the chapter limit soooo here we are at number two!…

My Artbook

My Artbook

3,070 167 199

Just a book full of my drawings/paintings (COMPLETED-due to Chapter limit)This book is organized from oldest to newest, so the most recent chapters are going to have the best art in them.(idk I just kinda wanted to show off lol)Please don't steal my art :)I would be slightly flattered, but I would also be very angry, so if you're gonna repost, please give me my credits. (Don't steal art in general, artists work really hard to make it, and it always feels really horrible when people take all the credit)…

Honey & Silver

Honey & Silver

1,005 97 23

Daichi and Suga have both been pining for each other for years, since even before they came out to each other. It seems the whole team knows it, so why is Suga, the infamous matchmaker of karasuno, oblivious to his love's feelings for him? Who will confess first?||ATTENTION!! THIS STORY IS UNDER THE EDITING PROCESS, SO THE CHAPTERS WILL ALL BE REPOSTED WITH SOME CHANGES TO THE PLOT||(I don't own any of the HQ characters... obviously)(In this Au, Daichi and Michimiya and siblings)…