The Office US sexuality headcanons

The Office US sexuality headcanons

2,965 32 7

All of these choices are debatable! You're allowed to have a different opinion, in fact, I encourage you share your opinion in the comments! I'm easily swayed, so you might just change my opinion. But please be respectful of my and anyone else's opinions! I'm very much a queer person and surprise surprise! My interests either already are queer or that's how I perceive them.I discovered The Office in a really low point in my life, so it was a huge comfort for me. I am now in more of a stable place in my mental health, and I've taken interest in plenty of other things. But The Office will always hold a special place in my heart. I watched it all the way through 11 times and at this point I just watch random episodes. I still love the show and the characters.…

Progression of my art

Progression of my art

73 0 24

Hi! I'm super proud of myself right now. I've been doing digital art for a little over a year and I've improved a lot. While I still have ways to go, I'd like to share my improvement. I encourage other artists to do this too. Go back and look at your art, rather than with a critical eye, you should think about how much you've improved since then! Even if you are improving slowly, you should still always be proud of what you make.…

Mitsukou, I'm here now

Mitsukou, I'm here now

4,500 224 6

It's a Mitsukou story. I'll try to do both fluff and angst, I'm not generally a very angsts person, but Mitsuba is just such a tragic character. AU where Mitsuba is still alive. Trigger warnings:•Self harm•bullying•mentions rape and sexual assault…

Reed900 imagines

Reed900 imagines

971 63 18

What's an imagine? I don't think these are it, but I'm not sure of the technical term. Help me out in the comments XDOk, so on my phone I have a note full of these for Reed900. Adhd at its finest, fellas! I hyper focused super hard on that ship. So much so that it occasionally comes back in waves! Anyways, hope you enjoy! I think some of these are super smooth/clever, but others are lackluster and need editing. If you have any wording suggestions, feel free to comment! Anything helps. Also, if you have an idea for a similarly formatted scenario, comment it and I'll post it and tag you!Also, would these be incorrect quotes? Like, Tumblr style? I'm not sure. Also, cover by me! And the imagines??? Incorrect quotes??? Are also all original.…

Smile For Me (game) oneshots

Smile For Me (game) oneshots

108 5 2

There are like- 2 Smile for me fanfics on here and one of them is a troll?? Give the masses what they want, I say! Or... make the content you wanna see, I guess. Idk how many people want this, but here it is!!Comment prompts for character ships, I'll write for anyone tbh... probably? Also, I headcanon EVERY character as trans except Jimothan. He's an ally though, don't worry. Also, I use they and he pronouns for Trencil and exclusively they pronouns for Tim Tam.…

Soothing presence (Stein x Spirit)

Soothing presence (Stein x Spirit)

105 1 1

Here, have this. It takes place after the Kishin was defeated. Stein and Spirit are gæ and So are you... and so am I.…

Life is gay-Grahamscott

Life is gay-Grahamscott

73 3 1

Ok... this is supposed to be a serious thingy... ya know? Like it's gonna get pretty dark. But before I get into that... Warren Gayram and Nathan Prescunt. !Trigger Warnings!•dissociation•drug abuse•homophobia•bullying•violence•toxic relationships•mention of self harm and/or suicide•panic attacks…



318 8 3

Jasper never died btw, he's 25 and David is 24. Basically, they both stayed at camp camp until they were 18/19. They started dating when they were around 14, but the only time they could see each other in person was summer. They sen letters though UwU. Then when David was 18, he was sent to France, so he and Jasper has to break up. Jasper left Camp Campbell too, he had only been volunteering as a counselor. David went back after France, when he was 20, but Jasper didn't come back because they had lost contact. Anyways, this takes place sometime after the first Daniel episode.…



77 6 1

Basically, Jasper didn't die in the cave. He was injured, but got far enough out of the cave in time not to be crushed by the debris. He left camp after that on a bad note with David, so pretty much what David thought happened ;~; poor bb.…

Gavin x Rk900

Gavin x Rk900

17 2 1

This is supposed to be a slow burn story. It takes place around before androids are freed. Angst XD sorry. Not entirely of course! This is supposed to be a romantic story.…

Mitsukou, Lov Story

Mitsukou, Lov Story

2,046 41 4

Basically Toulet Bound Hanako Kun episod 8, but with my own spin on it. The title is based of Lov Song by Cavetown, the song very much reminds me of Mitsukou. Whata perfect song for a perfect ship 💖. I'll do a brief explanation of my headcanons on the first part because not everyone reads the bio and the headcanons are important to the story XD enjoy!…



5,042 163 5

What an original name? I know, right? Anyways, this is some half baked bs I made after two of my Stobotnik fan fictions were glitched into death on Wattpad. I don't know man, but enjoy this I guess…

The romance of Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer

The romance of Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer

469 8 2

This takes place when Tom is 21 or 22 and Huck is 23. Huck just so happens to be in the same town that Tom lives in, wow, what a coincidence. Anyways, nsfw. Nothing extremely explicit, I most likely won't write it actually happening, sorry to disappoint.…