Herr der Ringe - Die Tochter des Schattens

Herr der Ringe - Die Tochter des Schattens

141,509 4,830 45

Aragorn und die vier Hobbits werden auf der Wetterspitze von einem Unbekannten gerettet, der sich als junge Elbin entpuppt. Mit viel Charme und Kampfgeist schließt sich das Mädchen der Ringgemeinschaft an und verändert das Leben des Waldläufers grundlegend. Dieser muss jedoch bald feststellen, dass Jane von den dunklen Schatten ihrer Vergangenheit verfolgt wird... P.S. Die Geschichte basiert auf Peter Jacksons Filmen und einigen Hintergrundinformationen, ich hab mir allerdings die Freiheit genommen, manche Dinge abzuändern (vor allem Jahreszahlen). Viel Spaß beim Lesen ;)…

Love Me, Little Butterfly - KINGSMAN

Love Me, Little Butterfly - KINGSMAN

44,057 921 19

This is the story of two Kingsman agents and their undying love for each other, a love that doesn't follow any rules, doesn't know age and even defies death.…

Beyond Good And Evil - Harrison Wells x Reader

Beyond Good And Evil - Harrison Wells x Reader

31,350 1,008 12

After your brother, Barry Allen, got struck by lightning the night the particle accelerator exploded, you have the unique opportunity to enter the world-famous S.T.A.R. Labs and get to know their founder, Harrison Wells. Little do you know that this man is about to change your entire life...This is a fanfiction to the DC series "The Flash", season one. Since the intention of this story is to point out the relationship between the reader and the other characters, I took the liberty to just pick out relevant scenes and conversations and leave away the rest. For this reason, you will probably not understand parts of the plot if you haven't watched the series before. Moreover, I decided to write this fanfiction in English, which is not my mother tongue, so apologies for eventual grammar mistakes.…