Legionnaire Military Academy

Legionnaire Military Academy

104 4 9

Through lands, air, and sea; our nation was currently in the midst of the World War. Yet inside the kingdom were run by two political parties discrediting each other, trying to control the weakened aged King with six Princes who were thirsty to be acknowledged and reign as the crown Prince. Yet, there was the seventh, the youngest Prince, who everyone favored to reign the throne that the citizens, even the King, was begging him to accept. Unfortunately, he was too young to be ready, not even at his 18. He suddenly vanished.โ€ฆ

Quintessence Nightmare

Quintessence Nightmare

226 19 12

It was 2150, the year of Artificials when humanity tried its best to survive from the Nuclear Aftermath. Until the meteor strikes and the corpses suddenly turn into monsters that crave human flesh. The world is about to get devoured when the high schoolers discover an Extrasensory Perception of manipulating matters they call "Quintessence" and stand up against the apocalypse.โ€ฆ

The Invisible King

The Invisible King

552 35 11

Seven chess pieces from seven nations, has only one king to serve: The Invisible King.The advent of technology of the Levithia Republic has become a threat to all nations, dominating their peculiar abilities. A hidden king hired seven talented criminals to prevent the wars from growing worse. Or will they make it worst instead?A soldier who betrays the nation for stealing her inventionsA cursed blood violinist who can summon her dead friendsA swindler who wants to fulfill her dead brother's dreamA thief who lost direction since the death of her sisterA lazy boy who doesn't want to get involved in warsA stray prince who aims to siege back his empireA royal guard who loathes the kingA Sci-fi Fantasy Action Adventure Mystery Thriller Novel by MVCabusasโ€ฆ

Thirteen Tales Of Friendship

Thirteen Tales Of Friendship

1,640 115 21

After the tragic experience of friendships in elementary, Chrono Qiel vows to himself that he would never befriend anyone again. He's sick of people who can't handle the truth and always misunderstand him. But as a human, being alone still makes him feel empty.From Cavite, he enrolls in Pampanga as a high school freshman to start a new life. And there, he meets his old childhood friend, Laeron Cruix, who asks him to join a band--which will be dissolved soon if it fails to reach at least 5 members at the end of the month.As Chrono embarks on his journey, he encounters the Thirteen Tales of Friendship. Amidst contrasting points of view, different perspectives, and clashing beliefs--where will this diversity take them?Started at August 03, 2021โ€ฆ