Memoir of a Doctor Misdiagnosed with Schizophrenia

Memoir of a Doctor Misdiagnosed with Schizophrenia

15 12 13

from teleportations to telepathy to ufo abductions. it is a site to commend and condemn as hedonistic and coveted by man. to much ado about nothing…

Mind seekers

Mind seekers

11 8 9

soul seeking and drenched by the mire. told to expire. sent a wretched wrench to do the job instead. john lafi earmarked. doctor doctrines to unfold.…

Mind Catchers

Mind Catchers

2 2 10

sequel to Memoir of a Doctor Misdiagnosed with Schizophrenia. to read what could have happened if the fbi agent was a part of our lives. dr dubente and his men later to find out why we never happened...too christia ised and deciphered as craxier enough not to leave my husband. love lustre lost…