

458 28 12

//5sos fanfic//Welcome to Edomen, Michigan! Population of 46,326 people and growing. We are the only supernatural town in America and things are about to get real fucked up. How do I know? Well a series of things happened like, my best friends and I all met are mates on the same day, doesn't happen ever. Next, Celeste walked into a local mini-mart to find only dead people. Then, Anathia feels some disturbance in the nature force as if we didn't already have enough issues. But wait for it! It gets worse. I'm telling you right now as a socially awkward selective mute this was the hardest time of my life.WARNINGBLOOD, VIOLENCE, VULGAR LANGUAGE, SEXUAL THEMES, DEATH, HARMFUL THOUGHTS, AND OTHER TRIGGERS THAT MAY AFFECT YOU.PLEASE READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.…

bluster book

bluster book

255 29 42

This is where I will be going to rant off to what I hate most in this world. And other stuff of course.…