My mine craft death

My mine craft death

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There's so many ways to die I die lots of ways you could say I'm unlucky I'm not I found diamonds I was excited I made two diamond swords and killed creepers and skeletons enderman I was a beast I kicked butts util I got snuck up on by a creeper I lost so much stuff I was lucky I had one left I'm not unlucky I'm not lucky I'm normal this is my storyThe end made by minecraft god…

The lost friend

The lost friend

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My best friend in the whole world is missing we had a sleep over then I woke up a and he was missing I heard the door close then I ran down stairs he was gone hmm? i saw two people running off I ran as fast I could there was a body bag and a person running off with it is it him? ): I was so sad I lost him then I saw a cabin I heard yell for help I'm trapped I'm scared then I walked trough blood this is gross I found a key it said it belong to Alice she was the person who was bullied she said she looks up to us then she said were her best friends but we had no friends so we stabbed her in the she was so mad she will get us back now were paying the price then I found you (: I'm so happy come on we're leaving no you stabbed me in the back you bullied me more than anyone so you die no! we aren't oh my gut you leave him alone you take me I'll stay he goes no you both do never! You let him go end of part 1The end by minecraft god leave a message if you want more story bye(:…

The lost friend