Disappointment Child.

Disappointment Child.

3,001 13 12

WARNING:: CONTAINS ABUSE, SEXUAL CONTENT, SEXUAL ASSAULT, BAD LANGUAGE, SELF HARM, AND MURDER. THIS MAY BE TRIGGERING TO A FEW PEOPLE SO PLEASE BE AWARE AS YOU READ THIS STORY. Yes, that's what they call me. According to my family, I am a disappointment. They don't know me, the truth behind my rebellious acts. They don't know what created me, but I do, and it sure as hell isn't fucking pretty. My name? Oh yeah, my name is Tamara (tuh-mar-uh) and this is how I became the girl who- well...just see for yourself.~~~~~~~~Thank you for taking the time to read my story. I really enjoyed writing it for you! Its my first story, so please feel free to leave any tips! Thank you!-Valerie Aldava <3…