Fuck you Dolan - Grayson completed

Fuck you Dolan - Grayson completed

61,475 708 45

Julia and Grayson hate each other but they have a bet to winwhat will happen when Grayson finds out the truthCompleted - 1/6/19Btw the first couple of chapters is similar to a book called more than this but I really had no idea but I recommend u go. check it out.its by 'stydiastotherx'…

Perception - Grayson Dolan

Perception - Grayson Dolan

5,046 81 53

where a cliche bully turns into a lover."fuck you""Yes, and I know that I don't know what love is but I have such strong feelings for you Amelia. I think this is the closest to love that a 17 yr old guy could experience""I love you"…