Coexist; Song and Poem Book

Coexist; Song and Poem Book

52 1 7

These are just random songs and poems that come to me. They are copyrighted and I will honestly stab you in the trachea with a pen if you plagiarize me. All of the songs are pre-recorded so if I find them online, I will find a way to f***ing sue you. Also, the poems are written with the original date that I've created them on. Again, I will find a way to f***ing sue you.…

Dreaming Out Loud

Dreaming Out Loud

283 24 6

This is a book of almost every dream I have had this summer. Some of the stories will be scary, others will be romantic and some will be funny. Please read on, tell me what you think and remember that I am dreaming out loud.…



186 20 5

Emma is not your average teenage girl. While dealing with her father's and brother's death, she has to deal with relationship crisises, handling the boy with ADHD and ADD, and the average teen girl drama. However, she manages to get through her junior year alive. But, what about her Senior year? Ethan is not your average teenage boy. While dealing with his unresponsive father he has to go through relationship crisises, handling his desire to run away to the military and the not so average teen boy drama. However, he manages to end his high school career with Emma by his side. But, what about when Ethan really does go off to the military? What happens when Emma thinks she won't move on? What will they do without each other?Read it up!…

Inevitable || Luke Hemmings

Inevitable || Luke Hemmings

219 15 3

"This moment, right here, is perfect." "Well, yeah. Everything is great, but moments have to end. Even a perfect moment can be ruined and then, the moment following is always going to be inevitable."…

CONVERSE || A Liam Payne Fanfiction

CONVERSE || A Liam Payne Fanfiction

7,599 208 27

Mia Hunter is just another immortal teenage girl, who hates One Direction, works five different jobs, and lives with her Grandfather, despite her school in New York. Okay, she's not exactly 'normal'.When Mia and her sister, Jane, go to one of the boy's concerts, something goes awry and the girls end up staying in London much longer than they expected. What's even worse, they are forced to stay with One Direction! After countless hours of talking, joking, and screaming, Mia forms a bond with them, becoming one of their closest friends. But to Liam, she's more than a friend. She's his everything. Liam goes out of his way to make her stay great, but not everything can be perfect. Throughout the band's series of adventures with Mia, she gets fired, goes back to New York, and her secret is outed in a split second. But worst of all, Liam falls for her, and as feared, Mia thinks she may be falling for him too! Mia's worried that if she takes a step into the unknown, that she will get scarred, but after she leaps, both Liam and Mia are at peace. That is until Mia is cleared to go home. She doesn't know whether she will stay or go. Liam doesn't know whether he will go with her, or stay with the band. And no one knows how hard it will be to say goodbye. But as promised, not everything can be perfect.…

And the Four

And the Four "Dwarves" (A One Direction Fanfic)

504 21 6

Addison is a 16 year old girl who has no family except her "Auntie" and her Uncle Bodie who abuse her verbally and treat her as though she is a garden gnome. What will happen when she is exiled to the wilderness to live on her own? What will happen when she meets four young boys? What will happen when her "Prince Charming" is taken away from her thought to be happily ever after? Read it up!…