The Sunny Alternative - Riordanverse Stories

The Sunny Alternative - Riordanverse Stories

359 19 8

"He got so lost in his head he didn't really notice the dip in the bed of someone sitting next to him until there was a hand on his shoulder. Nico flinched, head spinning towards the attacker. His shoulders relaxed when he saw that it was just Percy, his eyebrows furrowed in worry. "You okay there, buddy?" Percy frowned. Nico turned back to the window without saying anything. "Yeah, sorry, I was just lost in thought." Nico felt Percy's eyes on him for a few long moments, analyzing, before he spoke again. "Don't worry about it, I do it all the time too. Mum just yelled and said that dinner will be ready soon and we should go wash up. You coming?" "••Riordanverse one-shots! A lot of Solangelo 😳Updated every two weeks.Incomplete 😛…

Tightrope: A Klance YouTuber AU

Tightrope: A Klance YouTuber AU

29,705 898 8

Keith is just your normal everyday YouTuber. Y'know, post random video here, ask what the viewers wants there, and type up a random thing on Twitter that happened just recently and send it out so the whole world to see. But, when Lance McLain, a popular YouTuber with over 7 million subscribers on his channel, asks if they want to collaborate, Keith just has to accept. I mean, who wouldn't? But, what will happen when their fans get a little /too/ excited in their friendship development? ~[Disclaimer: I don't own Voltron: Legendary Defenders. I only own the story line and my original characters.]STORY STATUS: Complete (but there might be some bonus one-shot chapters in the future!)…

Professor Nico Di Angelo [DISCONTINUED]

Professor Nico Di Angelo [DISCONTINUED]

93,356 1,531 13

It was a couple years after the Battle of Hogwarts. A lot of people were finally getting over their shock of the war. Well, most. There were still plenty of people who were still grieving their friends or family's or people they just knew's death. George, for instance, hasn't told or did a prank in months after his twins death. They were practically two puzzle pieces, and if put together, the best prank combo ever. Also, Harry was devastated when Remus and Tonks died, he tried not to show it though. He didn't want people giving him sympathetic looks and what not. Remus was the one who taught him the patronus charm and saved his life countless of times. And Tonks always shifted her form to a pig or something and made him laugh. There were also loads of other people who were grieving also and Hecate was getting worried. You see, Hecate gave four mortals the ability to use magic, but threw magic sticks instead. They soon after made a magical school to teach young witches and wizards to use magic. Centuries gone by and the story of how they got there magical powers twisted and turned until Hecate was out of the picture. Now Hogwarts and many other institutes around the world are basically Hecate's pet world. Anyways, the one person who Hecate know that has gone through the most heartbreak, trauma, and betrayal and that is still sane is... Nico Di Angelo. He will know how to sympathize for these wizards and help them cope. But will the young masters like him? Will they be scared of him? Or will they think he is one of the best teachers at Hogwarts? Read this book to find out!TRIGGER WARNING: This book has swearing in it and references to some language choice that you may not like or may not be good for younger audiences. This warning will be updated once I finish the book to make it more relatable and be in tune to the things in this book.ALL RIGHTS GO TO RICK RIRODAN AND J.K ROWLING EXCEPT THE STORY LINE AND SOME OCs!!…

Random Journal Entires

Random Journal Entires

19 0 11

These are just random journal entries about my dreams a different events I'm posting on here for safe keeping. These aren't edited and aren't actually proper stories. This is just for me, mainly.…

Quiet, Pain and Then Darkness

Quiet, Pain and Then Darkness

33 4 1

Will didn't /want/ to wake up in an unknown cave. He didn't /want/ his brother to be almost eaten alive. And he certainly didn't /want/ to be crushed by a bunch of falling rocks. You don't always get what you want, I guess. -This is just a short story I wrote for school in October. It's for Halloween and its almost Valentine's Day, but whatever! Happy reading! [STATUS: Complete] [RATING: General][No Warnings Apply]…

Writers Gotta Write, Write, Write.

Writers Gotta Write, Write, Write.

58 3 4

This is a story folder filled with a bunch of writing assignments I've done at school. From fantasy to funny. It'll inform you of the quality of life in the United Kingdom's (don't ask. It was a geography assignment), tell you the story of the time where Will, Leo and Matt got stuck in a cave with a hungry giant and have you wondering whether Matt Mason is guilty or not. Do you want a sneak peak? Oh, hoho! Well, you're in luck! Let's see what this book holds!" Find out in this book. Plus many more thrilling, humorous and romantic adventure and what-not with loads of characters. Old and new!…



348 20 7

Puns... just puns.....…

Percy Jackson Series One-Shots!

Percy Jackson Series One-Shots!

1,754 18 6

It's the title basically, but instead of /just/ the two Percy Jackson and Hero's of Olympus series, it's going to be the Kane Chronicles, Magnus Chase, and Trails of Apollo as well. ALL DA UNCLE RICK SERIES!! But anyways, ENJOY!! (The cover sucks- I made it and didn't take my time on it)-All rights to the characters in the series I mentioned above go to Rick Riordan. The characters that I make up are mine. If I make a cross over, the rights go to the respective person.-…