Aina Galad

Aina Galad

3,634 171 27

"You have traveled far, Aina Galad.." Eladir smiled softly at the Elf before her. Though she knew it came from a good place, she could hear the disapproval in his tone."I have." "So you are determined to follow through on this foolish quest then?" The girl wrung her hands a bit, knowing her answer would not be one that gained a positive reaction. "...I am." An exasperated sigh could be heard and Eladir braced herself for the lecture that was yet to come. Elrond always had been rather protective of her. "I know that there is some part of you that must believe what you are doing is right Gwethil, but please, I beg you. These dwarves are determined to meet their end, do not let them doom you to their same fate as well." A small twinkle made itself known in the girls eye as she spoke next. "Come now Airandil, where is your sense of adventure?"…

Where Our Hearts Lie

Where Our Hearts Lie

440 28 5

Kalia Baggins is the adopted sister of Biblo Baggins and has lived a sheltered life with her brother in the comforts of the Shire. She had always dreamed of something more for her life but had never had the heart to leave her dear brother behind. So what happens then, when a wizard appears on her door step with a company of 12 dwarves and the promise of adventure?…

Whispers of the Fae

Whispers of the Fae

74 2 2

A fiesty redhead, a wizard, a handful of dwarves, and a hobbit... What could go wrong?…

I Bow To No One

I Bow To No One

155,376 5,311 28

In the most unlikely of places love begins to blossom... The calloused man and the rebellious young girl. Could this be any more cliché? Perhaps if you throw a few dwarves, a hobbit, and a wizard into the mix you might find yourself in the middle of an epic romance.…

Let The Past Die

Let The Past Die

25 0 3

"No, Ben please!" He turned around to face her, she stared desperately into that cold, emotionless void of a mask that she resented so much.The mechanical voice cracked through the air "That's not my name. Ben is gone." "No he's not. I know he's not, I'll bring you back home Ben, rather you like it or not." He clenched his fist, the wind tugged gently at his robes as he considered her. "We'll see, Irena."…



12 1 1

"I don't know how I could let this happen!" He cried. I wasn't sure how to react... he never cries... "You made me fall in love with you! This is your fault!" She was there, and then she was gone... why is it that every thing good seems to happen in the blink of an eye?…

We are the Poisoned Youth

We are the Poisoned Youth

25 4 2

"I don't know what's wrong with me! Usually I do what I want and I don't care! But when you're around I can't think straight! Its like you put a spell or something over me!"Clementine Rein is new to Maxine high, the most well known school in Saint Augustine. She is your typical "Goodie Goodie". She works hard, scores A's on her report cards, and never gets into any trouble. But what happens when she runs into the schools "Bad Boy" More known as Derek Halestorm? Will she fall for him? Or will she avoid him and simply walk away?…

My Dearest Inquisitor

My Dearest Inquisitor

26 2 1

Inquisitior Layra Lavellan... Inquisitior... Inquisitior... gods there was just no getting used to that was there? She detested human titles. She had always thought of them as just one more excuse for shems to be destructive. Yet here she was; Inquisitior Lavellan. She let out a deep sigh and shook her head "by the dread wolf, what have I gotten myself into this time?"…

The Runner

The Runner

20 1 1

Nobles, archdemons, sassy Tevinter magisters, giant gaping holes in the sky. Who wouldn't want to be the inquisitor in a time like this? Oh, and while you're at it, lets throw in a blushing Templar commander.…

Just Give Me A Reason..

Just Give Me A Reason..

433 21 2

Lashiea has been through thick and thin. She's been on her own for most of her life and she finds it hard to get close to anyone anymore in fear of them getting hurt. But what happens when she agrees to go on a dangerous journey with a wizard, 4 hobbits, 2 men,an elf and a dwarf? "Everyone I've ever loved has ether died or disappeared. I won't let that happen again.. Not to you.." ~Lashiea…

With A Child's Heart

With A Child's Heart

2,229 105 4

Young Fili and Kili were always close to inseparable. You would never see one without the other close by. So what happens When Fili accidentally hurts the one he cares for the most?…