Aina Galad
"You have traveled far, Aina Galad.." Eladir smiled softly at the Elf before her. Though she knew it came from a good place, she could hear the disapproval in his tone."I have." "So you are determined to follow through on this foolish quest then?" The girl wrung her hands a bit, knowing her answer would not be one that gained a positive reaction. "...I am." An exasperated sigh could be heard and Eladir braced herself for the lecture that was yet to come. Elrond always had been rather protective of her. "I know that there is some part of you that must believe what you are doing is right Gwethil, but please, I beg you. These dwarves are determined to meet their end, do not let them doom you to their same fate as well." A small twinkle made itself known in the girls eye as she spoke next. "Come now Airandil, where is your sense of adventure?"…