

2,952 123 7

Harry gets bored of immortality and feels like he's losing his sanity. Death points him in the direction where he'll find the person who can keep him together. But when he finally finds his anchor, he didn't expect to feel incredibly possessive and protective where he all but constantly glomps poor little Tom (who fails to avoid growing fond of Harry).…

He appeared out of nowhere

He appeared out of nowhere

21,679 1,058 24

Tom Riddle was going into his fifth year at Hogwarts. Harry Potter had fallen asleep on the Hogwarts express, wishing he didn't have to live in a time when Voldemort was in power, also going into his fifth year.When he woke up over fifty years in the past with a wand at his throat, he couldn't help but wish he'd been a bit more specific.…

The Mundane and the Shadowhunter

The Mundane and the Shadowhunter

135 0 7

You are a mundane who can somehow see Shadowhunters and you stumble upon the institute. What happens when you're caught by Alec?…

Hadriana Potter and Mother Magic: Betrayals Chapter 1

Hadriana Potter and Mother Magic: Betrayals Chapter 1

30,360 937 18

Betrayal was not something Harry Potter was unaccustomed to. She had felt nothing but bone deep betrayal for months after the final battle. Learning that a man you considered family, a man that had been your mentor, had raised you like a pig to slaughter, subtly manipulating you to be happy to waltz to your death tended to mess a person up mentally.…

A Study on the Sex Life of a Werewolf's Mate

A Study on the Sex Life of a Werewolf's Mate

57,151 567 13

She mewled in her sleep, pressing her bottom back against him. His eyes nearly rolled back in his head as her thighs squeezed together, her core clenching reflexively as though determined to keep his cock precisely where it was currently buried in her cunt.Not that he could've slipped it free if he'd wanted to. Not with his knot still locking them inescapably together. A pleased growl rumbled up in his chest and he buried his nose against the juncture of her shoulder, basking in her sweet, ripe scent.*Mine*Fair warning - Mind the Tags!Several of theses shorts include graphic transformed werewolf sex and others full on graphic childbirth. So if that's not your thing, feel free to skip those (they will be marked) or to pass the series altogether: no judgement.Enjoy!…

Hadriana Potter and Mother Magic: Betrayals chapter 2

Hadriana Potter and Mother Magic: Betrayals chapter 2

1,562 31 7

Hadriana has ousted Dumbledore and discredited him, but he remains at large and an ever-present shadow over her shoulder. As she and her friends enter their fifth year, more enemies than ever begin targeting them - and Hadriana specifically. Will Hadriana's revolution end in peace, or bloodshed?…

sterek  oneshots

sterek oneshots

1,615 10 7

This will be a collection of various Sterek one shots. Each chapter will be a new story based on a new prompt, unrelated to each other. Prompts will be included in the chapter notes. These are mostly to just get me writing and keep the ideas flowing, I do have a few other fics in the works, both Teen Wolf and a Harry Potter one.…