Daughter of Rebels
Nothing good comes knocking in the early hours of the morning. Mara Swift knows this, so why she bothered to answer the door only the Depths could tell. But she did, and now her husband is dead, her home is a pile of ash, her life is in danger, and the only way to safety is a long, treacherous route that she couldn't even point to on a map. Her guide on this treacherous route is her husband's friend and fellow rebel, Eli. All Mara knows of Eli is that her husband trusted him--hardly a ringing endorsement considering Davy's abrupt and violent departure from the mortal plane. But the wife of a dead, uncovered undercover rebel can't be picky about allies. Mara is grieving, Eli is keeping secrets, and neither makes for particularly good company. But shared suffering leads to mutual understanding, mutual understanding blossoms into reluctant friendship, and reluctant friendship? Only time can tell what comes of that.…