Depression (Bts x reader)

Depression (Bts x reader)

77,419 1,596 20

There is a girl who sits in the corner.Her heart is crying out. There are people around her, but no one seems to notice her shout. But now her life seems empty.What's missing, she doesn't know.She wears a mask every day.Her true feelings she doesn't show.Her once colorful and cheerful lifeHas turned so dull and grey.She once enjoyed her group of friends;Now she just wishes them away.For when she is by herself,She can break free from her shell.She can let the unhappiness break freeAnd unleash the devil from hell.Because at the end of the day,When everyone's in their beds asleep,The misery surrounds her,And the pain, it cuts so deep.She wants somebody to listen,Someone to understand.But when she opens up,Nobody wants to lend a hand.So she waits until the sun finally setsTo open up once more.This time it's no longer in words,But it results in terrible sores.These sores cry their tears at night.The tears aren't transparent but a deathly red.As they cry, she feels a releaseFrom the terrible pain in her head.Some people would say she is crazy.Some people would say she is mad,But she can't resist the temptation when it arrives,Even though she knows it's bad.No one will ever understand this urge.It's something she can't explain.She feels shame for the scars on her bodyBut always ends up doing it again.You see, this girl is a victimOf something she can't comprehend.Deep in her heart she knows she must stop,For her life she doesn't want to end.But for now it's the only way she knowsTo stop feeling the loss of love and care,Because at the moment she's invisible.No one notices she's there.…

Prank Call Gone Wrong | Jimin

Prank Call Gone Wrong | Jimin

784 38 6

❝Who is this again??!!❞ ❝Baby, I can't believe you don't remember me!!! I'm wounded.❞ ❝I don't know what the freakin' hell you're talking about!!❞ ❝Oh c'mon, don't you remember??? We were at Nina's party and you and I had a very, very good time together.❞ ❝What!!??! I've never be- Wait!! Are you prank calling me??❞…

Jimin - The bad boy changed me

Jimin - The bad boy changed me

9,964 403 17

He changed me But did he changed? In where a girl who got humiliated and ridiculed for her weight a boy helped her and the boy was none other than, Park Jimin. Just because of a small incident it changed the girls life it gave her motivation to change but not only that it also made her fall in love with none other than the badboy himself. But was that good? Read to find out....…

Bts out cast

Bts out cast

840 37 32

In where a game control lifesMade by:flirtiaus…