

196 1 41

This is going to be a book where I Write whatever I want! Warning, there are going to be triggers and offensive stuff in here.honestly. this is more of a diary for me. This is just to keep up with what happens in my life. mainly for me ngl.…

Storys based off of Writing Prompts

Storys based off of Writing Prompts

12 0 4

I will post some of my writings to writing prompts here if I want to, so yeah!…



13 0 5

Who knew a lifelong dream could come true?A re-write of a story I wrote in 2017.…



114 0 9

My Muses…



48 0 15

There was a girl named Jordan, who longed to be adopted. Who knew that dreams come true? But all dreams have a price.Hey y'all, so I made the cover for this a bit ago, as in like a week ago. Its all Jordan! Her as a child, her as a 7th grader, and then her as a senior! Just to make sure you dont get confused.…

Random Stories I Write.

Random Stories I Write.

77 0 15

These are random stories I will write.…

The Secret Life Of A Nerd

The Secret Life Of A Nerd

22 1 4

Damien seems normal enough, right? A typical teenage "nerd" as he was labeled. A typical 10th grader too, 5'9", active, and 'cute'. (Cute is how is girlfriend describes him.) A typical week for him is when he gets beat up from the bullies because of his title, but no one ever wants to actually get to know him to spread that he isn't a nerd. He is tall(ish), sporty, pretty cute(could be handsome if he put effort into it), and 'buff'(if you could call him that). 'Typical', yeah right. 16, 5'9", straight, and a 'nerd'.The Biker, the one person no one knows, because he is somehow able to hide his identity. He wont speak when you talk to him, but will acknowledge you. Rumors are that he's mute, and he generally uses sign language to speak to everyone. He manages to escape every morning from the grips of people to go and 'transform' into his true self.How will the school react when everyone finds out that the 'coolest guy ever' is actually a typical nerd? Read to find out.…

=-_-= Erisol =-_-=

=-_-= Erisol =-_-=

167 3 3

Have it. Take it.…



38 0 10

Weird??shamchat shut down, i now use…

Roleplays with my friend

Roleplays with my friend

3 0 1

idk i just want to keep these roleplays somewhere and i decided i'll upload them herethe responses are in 3rd person so it shouldnt be hard to read it, and we each wrote out own response.…

Late night writings

Late night writings

2 0 2

This is for when i write things late at night. They might not fit all the same. Random stories. And random fanfictions. It may kinda get explicit tho.…



2,263 27 8


Random Acronyms that may or may not fit the word

Random Acronyms that may or may not fit the word

46 0 4

The title says everything.…

Danti Family (Darkiplier x Antisepticeye)

Danti Family (Darkiplier x Antisepticeye)

196 1 4

This is gonna be a fanfic about Danti, and i made up some children that are Dark's and Anti's children. Dark(red), Anti(green), Amelia(blue), and Chae(purple).So this is gonna be my Quick Writes for english bcuz i already made some!!…

Hetalia Smut!

Hetalia Smut!

1,142 9 3

Just as the title says…

Undertale Fanfiction

Undertale Fanfiction

240 4 4

So first of all, this is gonna be an AU where Sans and Papyrus are not brothers. And their personalities might be a bit changed. I know that i am not good a puns, so sans will not have that many puns. And also Frisk will be a girl in this story.-=-=-=-=-Sans x PapyrusIn this story, Sans and Papyrus will be living together like they do in the game, but they are dating and not brothers. Then one day Frisk falls down, and everyone calls her Chara, until she says her name. This will also have my oc Rosey in it, who is gonna be sans' and papy's actual child.…

W101 Roleplays and Fanfiction!

W101 Roleplays and Fanfiction!

21 0 1

This is a book for my w101 fanfics or role-plays!The people who would be in here are:Cody FireHeart (Pink hair) -=-Balance-=-Kenneth DreamHeart-Kenny-Ken (Brown Hair) -=-Balance-=-Ashley IceHeart-Ash (Blue Hair) -=-Ice-=-Scarlet ThunderThief-Scar (Black Hair) -=-Death-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-Ash is my W101 character!And Scar is a nerd not having heart at the end of her name! x3…

Skylox Fanfiction

Skylox Fanfiction

12 3 3

This will be a skylox fanfic. I made this originally for my english class, but im making i better on here with more kissing!!…

Undertale Fanfiction

Undertale Fanfiction

9 0 1

It's my OC, Rosey plus undertale!! Rosey has powers like sans and pap, and she's a human.These are Quick writes for my English class, I had to write for 15 minutes.…

Evalhena By: Erin

Evalhena By: Erin

31 1 4

So this is my cousins book about me! She is 8 and i am 13 right now!…