15 Days of Dan and Phil

15 Days of Dan and Phil

410 51 17

15 Day of my fav things of Dan and Phil…

Book Covers (Requests Closed) (DISCONTINUED)

Book Covers (Requests Closed) (DISCONTINUED)

85 6 8

I will make book covers for people! Comment what you want and i will try to make it!…

Quotes By People That I Live By (DISCONTINUED)

Quotes By People That I Live By (DISCONTINUED)

251 31 11

These are just quotes I like from my friends…



615 71 49

Random things and tags and stuff…

Poems From the Broken (DISCONTINUED)

Poems From the Broken (DISCONTINUED)

15 1 2

These are poems The Broken (the beaten and the damned) have written.If you want to enter the direct messege me your poem in this formatName of the poem:(the title for your story/poem)Poem:(the story/poem)Author:(can be anonymous)Thank you and enjoy! ???…

The World is a Cruel Place (DISCONTINUED)

The World is a Cruel Place (DISCONTINUED)

73 3 5

I feel brokenI feel lostI feel somethingNobody else doesNobody else knowsExactly how I feel…

It's a Big World After All (DISCONTINUED)

It's a Big World After All (DISCONTINUED)

204 6 9

Emily and Liza are best friends. They are in an orphanage. The both like Dan and Phil. Dan and Phil Make a video saying that their sisters were in an orphanage and they were going to adopt them. They said that they both had lockets that had their initials on it. Who could Dan and Phil's sisters be?CAUTION: Depression, Cutting, Mention of attempted suicide, attempted suicide!…

Our Love Is NOT a Theory ~ MatPat x reader (DISCONTINUED)

Our Love Is NOT a Theory ~ MatPat x reader (DISCONTINUED)

634 20 4

You were on a vacation in Tennessee. You were camping in a camper. You were riding your bike up and down the street because it was night time and you liked it. I couldn't see very well since it was 11:00pm at night. I was riding down a hill and someone yells, "Look out! Speed bump!" You slow down really quick and sure enough you went over the speed bump. I couldn't make out if it was a boy or girl voice, but it sounded familiar. I said thank you to that someone in the darkness. They saved me from getting hurt after all. They didn't respond. You went back to your camper thinking nothing of it. "I'm not going to see them again anyway or have any kind of relationship with them." You thought. Boy were you ever so wrong.~~~IM SO EXCITED FOR THIS SERIES!!! I have a whole plot Im writing before I write the story so I wont just be going along as I go. Love ya!~Liza Xx…