Leap of Faith

Leap of Faith

2,619 188 19

Rebecca Cooper does not believe in:Love at first sightHigh school sweetheartsTrue LoveMason Hawthorn does not believe in:RelationshipsTrue loveFalling in LoveWhen these two non-believers meet, will something change? Will the entire world be thrown off its axis? The story of two teens who learn about the power of love from each other.…

My Unpredictable Life

My Unpredictable Life

4,186 194 20

When my Mom told me that our house was being rennovated, I didn't know what to think. The only thing that really mattered was the fact that my parents were going on a business trip to Figi (Business Trip my ass...) and they were sticking me and my younger sister with our neighbors.I'm almost twenty! I think I should be able to take care of myself. I wouldn't mind so much if our neighbors weren't the Moores. Enter Dexter Moore. Gorgeous, charming, and an absolute pain in my ass. We went to high school together, and he did nothing but make my life a living hell. Now? Now we're living together for two months. Welcome to my Unpredictable Life.…

A Thousand Miles from Comfort

A Thousand Miles from Comfort

1,814 116 22

Erin plays the cello in Juilliard's most prestigious orchestra, and she's first chair. She's desperate to make her parents proud, so she practices incessantly and focuses solely on her music.Then, Erin's orchestra starts playing Vivaldi's Concerto for Two Cellos, her all time favorite piece. She would be thrilled, if it weren't for the fact that her duet partner, Charlie, is a total slacker.Unlike Erin, Charlie has made it to the top by sheer luck, and god - given talent. He parties, she studies.He drinks, she practices.He scrapes by, she gives it her all.One thing's for sure - put these two together, a combination from hell, and everyone is bound to be a thousand miles from comfort.…

Little Pieces of the Biggger Picture

Little Pieces of the Biggger Picture

1,032 55 29

Short stories are great because - 1. Nothing needs to make sense: there is no intricate plot line that requires a great deal of planning about why a character does this or acts that way.2. Things just are: there need not be an elaborate background with every bit of the past thought out. Short stories exist in the present. You can throw characters into a situation without worrying too much about what was going on before.3. They're short: a lack of detailed planning is sometimes refreshing. Sometimes, the reckless throwing together of people and situations is nice in representing the spontaneity of life.4. Anything can happen: your characters can be in the middle of a quest for the golden diamond in the tropics of East Asia, but it won't matter, because from the point you start writing to the point you stop - a few pages later - an infinity of things might have happened, regardless of the physical capabilities of real humans.But I suppose that just applies to writing in general, right?This is a collection of my short stories, but don't expect regular updates! Sometimes, my writing is bone dry, and other times I'm spewing out these little stories like it's nobodies business!So, Enjoy!…

A Mold to Break

A Mold to Break

180 15 1

A short story about growing up…

When We Collapse

When We Collapse

3,401 161 20

Dash Foster has been my boyfriend since Sophomore year in high school. We were inseparable, the It Couple, but only because Dash was quarterback, class president, valedictorian, etc. And I was just me, Christine Park. I had a twin: Julia. She was the girl everyone expected to be with Dash, not me. But Jules wasn't the type of girl that cared about these things. She was laid back, wild, a free spirit soaring through an open field. Until she died, and I was the one responsible. Now, three years after her death, I'm a Junior in college, and I'm still holding on to Dash - the last piece of my past that I'm not willing to let go of. But Dash wants to let go, and Will Marlowe wants me to move on - with him. How do you choose a road when you don't even know where you're going?…

Thirty Days of Answering Prompts

Thirty Days of Answering Prompts

530 18 19

[ A 30 day challenge created by @figurative/@threesixtyfive. "Amore"]…

Words Unspoken

Words Unspoken

3,165 127 20

There was something about her that was off, that was different. I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I watched as she shelved cans of beans -pinto, black, red, Gorgonzola - until the cart was empty. A man asked her for help, and she pointed, holding up her fingers to indicate which isle as she spoke in whispers. The man thanked her, sadly, and walked away, as she resumed shelving - loaves of bread now.I waited idly for my Mom to return from her quest to find the most organic beef, watching the girl interestedly. She had thin brown hair, tucked back behind a thick headband, and clear green eyes. Her head snapped up, eyes meeting mine, and then I saw it. The thick, shiny scar running down the side of her face. I saw the heat and the fear in her eyes as she quickly looked away from me, and I instantly I knew.I needed to know Bailey better. I needed to save her.Five votes and I will start this story (I hate doing this but it's just to judge the interest!!) thank you!!…



104 6 3

Ashley has a problem - she lies. A lot. Often times, it's to protect the feelings of others, or to keep herself out of trouble. She lies to her parents, her friends, her teachers, and generally, it's harmless.Until Tyson steps in. "I bet you can't even go a week without lying," is how the bet started. Tyson had caught onto Ashley's trend, and he wanted it to stop. But in reality, what Tyson wanted from Ashley was simple - honesty. Ashley thinks the bet will be easy, until she realizes how much she has really been hiding. And when her feelings begin developing an attraction to Tyson?Well, there's one more thing she can't keep a secret.…

In Your Shadow

In Your Shadow

8,961 458 25

Auden Corr has forever been in the shadow of her older sister Kim. Until one day something alters their world, and Kim is left broken. But even then, she is on top, with Auden shrinking back into the shadows as usual. Enter Brody Mitchell. Everyone believes he and Kim are the perfect match- that they will fit perfectly- but it seems that Brody only has eyes for... Auden? Will she push past her insecurities and let him love her? Or will everything and everyone get in the way?…

See Me

See Me

3,917 253 24

Liam and Sierra have been best friends for as long as either of them can remember. Despite their social differences, they share a bond that can withstand them. Sierra has always loved Liam as more than a friend, but in what universe does the hot jock go for the geeky school outcast? Not this one. Right?…

Not What it Seems

Not What it Seems

18,755 739 27

Jane wants nothing more than to get through her junior year peacefully. Over the summer a number of things happened. A. She grew breasts! Yippee! More things to draw attention to herself with! B. One of her best friends moved to across the country, essentially leaving her friendless and alone with Jason, her other best friend who seemed to be undergoing some drastic changes as well. C. Her parents got divorced, and her father left her with her party-going, constantly drunk mother, who was barely ever home. What can she say? Junior year was always the worst.~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•Cash is the schools Alpha male, and at a school where social standing and wealth is everything, that means a lot. But is he hiding something? Is he hiding, two things? One of them being the enormous crush he is harboring on Jane Mathews, school wallflower?In a world where people like Jane and Cash don't mix, will these two fight to be together? Or will there be too many things that come between them?…

The Twenty Year Legacy of Cyrus Marshall

The Twenty Year Legacy of Cyrus Marshall

608 50 13

I met Cyrus Marshall when we were ten, and no one has changed my life more.Each year, Cyrus changed, and I changed with him. Except for that first day, Cyrus was the one saving me. From ten to twenty, Cyrus shaped me, and I like to think I shaped him, but I can't be sure.Because Cyrus Marshall is so much more than just a person.…

An Insomniac's Guide To Love

An Insomniac's Guide To Love

247 19 4

InsomniacThat's what the dictionary defined her as.Insomniac: [in-som-nee-ak] a person who suffers from insomnia, the inability to obtain sufficient sleep, trough difficulty in falling or staying asleep.You would think that in a small town like Milton, where everyone knows everyone else and the neighborhoods consist mostly of elderly people, that there wouldn't be much if a night life. That's what Opal thinks, at least, and she's lived here her whole life.Then, she meets Lincoln. Somehow, the two have lived in the same town all their lives and have never met. Two Insomniacs, Milton's undiscovered night scene, and just 40 nights to see it all.…

Love or War?

Love or War?

1,284 97 13

The students of Ritchview High School have always been divided.Orchestra vs. BandMeet Katherine Sherwood - supposedly one of the leaders of the never ending feud between the two ensembles. She's sassy, and smart, and hates this rivalry with all her heart. Too bad for Katy, she's a senior, and she plays the cello, so what choice does she have? It's either lead the rivalry, or be excommunicated all together.Yes, the students at Ritchview take this battle very seriously.Now, meet Declan Burns - Trumpet player. Senior. Gorgeous, deep, thoughtful, kind. He's Katy's equivalent in every way, and is everything she wants in a friend. He hates this feud also, but, just like Katy, he can't do anything about it. Or can he?When Declan and Katy's lives are unexpectedly thrown together, will they push past the pressure of their peers to hate each other, and become friends instead? Will they forge past the boundaries between them in search of friendship, love, and something real?In a tale as old as time, two people come together from separate worlds, overtaking their social divisions in search of a beautiful and forbidden love.[Updates Every Friday]…

A Coffee Scented Christmas

A Coffee Scented Christmas

218 9 1

A story about a romantic Christmas miracle…