Aroace thoughts/rants, poems more

Aroace thoughts/rants, poems more

215 28 32

Just an aro ace girl with a lot of emotions. Too many emotions apparently because this is the second one I had to make, the first ones full lol. I write short stories and poems,Rants,Talk about aroace coded songs or really anything, movies, shows, characters, quotes,Probably will mention once or twice my favorite aromantic head canon, Reggie Peters from Jatp Might talk about the book I'm writing because the main characters are aromantic and the pain take away I want people to get from the book is the important of platonic love…

Aro Reggie One-Shots

Aro Reggie One-Shots

29 3 2

I love the headcanon of aromantic Reggie and as an aromantic I personally need this.…

Worst Nightmare

Worst Nightmare

1,298 66 38

Ever since the guys played the Orpheum with Julie, they've been fall asleep uncontrollably and having nightmares. Not just any nightmares, memories. The worst ones they have. One problem, ghosts can't sleep. So why can they?Willie's gone missing, and so has Caleb. But what if he's behind Willie's disappearance and the dreams? And how can Julie help her phantoms heal from the past?…



803 34 27

Julie and the Phantoms took the Orpheum stage with storm, and they aren't stopping there. They're ready to keep making music together. Willie was happy to see they escaped Caleb's curse and he could still be with Alex, but the weird thing is Caleb's seem to have disappeared. But Willie can't complain since it means he can spend all the time he wants with his Hotdog. Luke couldn't care less about Caleb. The stamps didn't destroy them and they and can still play music! He has his friends, the band, somewhat made peace with his mom, what more could he want? He's never felt more alive. Alex is always busy, hanging out with Willie, trying new things and going on new adventures and feeling alive. Luke and Julie are full of inspiration and work constantly on writing new lyrics. Since it's summer, Julie has all the time in the world. Since everyone else is busy, Reggie talks to Ray most of the day, or chills at the beach by himself. He tries to keep himself available at all times just in case one of his friends might need him or want to hang out, even though it seems like it'll never happen. He's waiting to feel alive. But then one day he swears a boy from Julie's school looked straight at him, like he could see him. And his eyes...they were glowing purple. Or were they? Of course, when he tried to tell the band, they didn't quite believe him. Not that they thought he was lying, but that he misinterpreted what he saw. But what if he was right...Caleb is planning something. And he doesn't intend to let the Phantoms get away from him this time.…

The Woodland Mansion

The Woodland Mansion

96 15 14

When Paige's best friend Addy went missing after going into the woods and presumably died, her parents packed up their family and moved them to a new town and a new school. When Paige meets 3 girls who also lived in that town whose friends went missing, they knew something wasn't right. Those woods aren't what they seem.___A fantasy/adventure/thriller ish horror ish story about magical woods with magical and even dangerous creatures. I wrote this in middle school so if it's cringy and embarrassing it's because I was an embarrassing middle schooler.…

Cross Faded

Cross Faded

66 8 3

After Carrie's parents divorce and her fallout with Julie, she decided she needed to be the best to be enough. She always blamed herself for her mom leaving, thinking she somehow wasn't good enough for her. And when it felt like her best friend suddenly wasn't on her team anymore, she felt like she had to be better than her to in order to prove something. To prove she was good enough or worthy enough.Reggie will never know what happened to his parents. Whether or not they stayed together or got a divorce or where they are now. He feels guilty for ruining their relationship, even though it wasn't his fault. Every day was always a new fight and he was stuck in the middle. Being the friend that always cheered everyone else up, he never talked much about his own struggles, especially since he thought they weren't important enough. Unresolved feelings never sit right when they just sit inside you, eating away at you. And both Carrie and Reggie have some unresolved emotions and relationships. Maybe the could help each other, if only they could meet. But they are worlds apart, and their bands are rivals. They could never be friends, even if they could meet. This is based off a comment someone left on one of my stories. Don't know how long it'll last or how long it will be. Also this isn't like directly romantic bc I don't like writing romance and I'm not good at it, so it's kinda more platonic but you can ship them if you're into that. Let's hope I don't give up on this one after like 2 chapters because I'm kinda trying to leave the fandom slowly bc I need to watch Jatp like the first time again and I can't do that if I'm constantly doing Jatp things related. So yea this will probably be one of the last things I ever do for a while. I'm sorry. Hope it's a good one.…

Live like it's Now or Never

Live like it's Now or Never

121 12 4

The summer before Sunset Curve died was supposed to be the best summer ever. "A summer for the history books" according to Reggie. They were gonna play the Orpheum, go on fun adventures chasing sunsets, and start the rest of their lives as a famous rock band. But life started going down hill, and fast, for the band members of Sunset Curve. Things are only getting worse with Reggie's parents, and after an unfortunate event, suddenly the pressure of being an older brother is a lot of weight on his back. At the Mercer house, they keep trying to erase the fact their son is gay. They keep trying to "fix it" when there's nothing broken. And Emily Patterson just won't let her son go, too afraid that his chosen life as a musician will fail him. When your own mother doesn't have faith in you, it's hard to have faith in yourself. It was supposed to be the best summer ever, and it ended up being on of the worst. But maybe it all will work out in the end, after all...the worst summer ever was followed by a second chance and an afterlife none of them ever imagined. Maybe they still will make into history books, but time is running out for them. It's now or never, and they have to make the most of life before time runs out. TW: death, abuse, fighting, smoking, suicide, homophobia, child sa, religious trauma? Yeah it's a lot I know it's a deep fanfic I'm sorry…

Aroace thoughts/rants

Aroace thoughts/rants

5,478 348 200

Hi, I'm aroace and some things around romance culture make my brain hurt ???? If you're aroace you might relate to some of this or maybe not. Idk. I just need to do something with these thoughts before they consume meIncludes:ThoughtsRambles Rants Occasional mention of Jatp or Jeremy and Carolynn Shada because I can't shut my mouth Possibly made up stories with aroace aro or ace characters…

Relight that Spark

Relight that Spark

124 4 10

What if when Caleb found out the boys escaped his stamp, he did something to rewind time and change some things. When the boys show up as ghosts 25 years after being dead, they don't find themselves in their old studio. They don't meet Julie. And they don't become Julie and the Phantoms. Instead they find themselves in a club, the Hollywood Ghost Club. This time Caleb will make sure his band doesn't get away. And without meeting the guys, does Julie get back into the music program? Does she even find music in her heart again? If she's not in the music program anymore, will her and Flynn drift apart like Flynn had said? -based off a story I already started writing but kinda bailed on. I'm taking the general idea of it and making a new story. -I don't own Jatp or the characters only my OCs Katie, Josie, and Patrick. Katie you may recognize she's the same Katie, Katie Mercer, in my other books. REMINDER: Katie can see the boys. Her mom is Allie Mercer, Alex's little sister. If you read my book Bright it'll make more sense but if you haven't you don't have to read it just know in the "original timeline" Katie could see the boys and they knew each other and knew she's related to Alex.…

Jatp one shots 2

Jatp one shots 2

3,481 49 39

I ran out of room on my other one shots, so here's a whole new book that I'll continue to update with more Julie and the Phantoms stories What I do a lot of *sunset curve friendship stuff *Luke Alex Reggie and Julie friendship *a lot of Reggie centered stories bc I adore him*I wanna do more Reggie & Ray friendship/family stories *I wanna do more double trouble friendship*some ruke maybe idk I did a lot of it in my last one shots I don't know how much I'll continue to do*Alex and Reggie friendship/brotherly love hate relationship *orginal character Rue (friends with Reggie, Luke doesn't like her) *not a lot of romantic ships, mostly all platonic *I don't do smut*some aromantic Reggie stuff bc I love that head canon…

Jatp One Shots

Jatp One Shots

47,450 946 200

just some one shots of all the charecters :)I'll try to do some requests I don't do smut sorryIt's up to you wether or not this is canon to my other fanfics of JATP but I won't really be including my original character, Katie, in it (unless you guys want some of that) enjoy <3SHIPS I'll probably do all or most of them BUT expect to see a lot of Ruke ❤️~I do not own Julie and the phantoms~…

My Jatp Season 2

My Jatp Season 2

11,773 175 29

Soooooo I decided the way I wanna do this is just basically pick up right where the show leaves off and all ships are basically included, so Willex, Juke, Ruke, Jick, Jarrie, Julynn, maybe Flarrie, possibly a teeny bit of lalex but definitely not a lot (sorry, it's mostly ex stuff). Basically it's gonna be a mess. Forget love triangle we got a love dodecahedron where everybody is in love with everybody and no one knows what's going on because why would anyone know what's going on. Anyways yeah. Enjoy :)Oh and I will try to do almost everyone's POVs but mostly I'll do just Julie Luke Reggie and Alex's.…

My Season 3 {discontinued :(( }

My Season 3 {discontinued :(( }

1,165 16 16

I wrote a season 2 so why not keep it going because *cough cough* Netflix isn't. So picking up right from season 2 Trevor/Bobby can now see they guys (everyone can) Bobby thought for sure he'd be rid of them when he paid the owners of the streetdog stand to poison their streetdogs.But here they are, in the flesh. Well, sorta. But Trevor Wilson doesn't give up that easily. So he calls and old friend. This time he won't let them get away. This time he'd be rid of Sunset Curve for good. So yeah that's the description anyways so Rue is basically "played" by Carolynn since that was supported be her name before I changed lol anyways so that's why Carolynn is on the cover, it's Rue. ShipsJuke (not a lot shown but their together)Willex Rue and Reggie (platonically for sure. Romantically huge maybe.)Relex- Friendship Flarrie- (they're dating but idk how much of that I'll include in the plot)This isn't a romance book though so if I forget a ship exists I'm sorry.…

It All Started in the Closet

It All Started in the Closet

2,711 155 20

Luke seems like he was a confident extraverted person, but there's actually a lot of things he keeps to himself. Reggie is pretty much the opposite, seemingly closed off, reserved and almost even stand offish until you get to know him and then you'll forget he was ever quite. They say opposites attract, and slowly like a magnetic force Luke and Reggie are being pulled together. Ruke fanfic Idea given to me by @MaddyMcgovern6…

Fallen too Fast

Fallen too Fast

1,009 33 15

Alex and Reggie have always been best friends, they'd even call themselves brothers. From the moment they met they've just clicked. Alex is really the only person Reggie can bring himself to talk to and Reggie is the one Alex can always count on to have his back. But Reggie starts falling for one of the guys at their school Luke Patterson. Luke is close friends with Bobby Shaw, whose bullied Alex since middle school. And Luke also just so happens to be Alex's ex.ShipsRukeWillexLalex (exes)Relex (like as brothers) Maybe others idk yet (there's a slight chance of Juke) Tw: drugs, alcohol, homophobia, assault/abuse, self harms/suicidal thoughts/suicide…

Two Broken Wings

Two Broken Wings

5,731 157 43

Just another Ruke fanfic because I have an obession. So enjoy :)Starting in 1993When Reggie moves to a new school and runs into an old friend, things don't just pick up from where they left off. Things changed for the both of them. They both lost someone and they both have their demons to fight. Luke knows Reggie is lying when he says he's alrightReggie knows Luke doesn't mean it when he says he's fine. They want to be there for each other, to help each other, but can two broken wings of a bird come together to make one wing that still flies? Can Luke and Reggie fly together?Or are their wings broken beyond repair?…

Unforgettable | Ruke Fanfic

Unforgettable | Ruke Fanfic

12,356 393 26

A RUKE FANFICJulie and the Phatoms played the Orhpum, and it was just the start of their coming to fame. But when some unforseen feelings start to come up between two of the bandmates, things start to get heated. Everyone says that Julie and Luke OOZE chemistry.... but what if Luke has chemistry with a cute bass player? And what about the boys being able to touch Julie? What did that mean for them? Were they....alive again, or just solid to Julie? And Willie doesn't know Alex is still here, neither does Caleb. What happens when Caleb finds out the jolts didn't destroy them? *This is a Julie and the Phatoms fanfiction, I don't own Julie and the Phantoms or the charecters. hope you enjoy (Not canon too any of my other Jatp fanfics)…

Even in our Afterlife

Even in our Afterlife

484 15 5

Sequel to Two Broken Wings That's all I really have to say, so enjoy 💜…

On the Edge of a Perfect Harmony (Rewrite) discontinued sorry :(

On the Edge of a Perfect Harmony (Rewrite) discontinued sorry :(

680 15 9

So I was looking back on the original version of this and there's just so much I'd do differently and things I would change so I'm rewriting it because I really think I can make it better. I may be taking down the original version but I also might keep it up I don't know yet but I hope you enjoy On the Edge of a Perfect Harmony Version 2. After playing the Orpheum, the boys don't cross over as planned. As they are about to accept their fate of Caleb's stamp destroying them, Julie gives Luke a hug and he begins to glow. When she hugs all thee boys they all glow and the stamp gets removed. They are free, but for how long?Julie comes to term with the fact that a life were her and Luke are together won't happen because he's a ghost, and she can tell he had feelings for someone else anyways. But little did she know one date with her long term crush Nick would lead to destruction. On top of that she starts to feel things she never had before for her best friend Flynn.When Caleb finds out that Julie and the Phantoms is still rocking, of course he comes up with another evil plan to get the boys under his control. Reggie wants to tell Luke how he feels, but right before he's about to, Julie threatens him not to. Of course Reggie assumes this is because she likes Luke and he backs down but little did know that Julie wasn't quite herself, which is why he was shocked when she kept making threats of quitting the band if he didn't stay away from Luke entirely. Alex knows something's up, with everyone. Julie's acting like a different person, Reggie's acting really guarded and he's keeping to himself and Luke is stressed over something. Not only that, but there's something going on with Willie. He's not being completely honest with him and he wants to know why. Alex seems to be the only one seeing that anything is wrong but no one will listen. Can he figure it out before it's too late?*I do not own Jatp or the characters Enjoy :)DISCOUNTED I'm sorry…

Nothing To Lose (On Hold)

Nothing To Lose (On Hold)

499 25 11

<< "I just wish I never met them in the first place!" >>A wish can be a powerful thing, and when Julie wishes she never met Sunset Curve, she changes things. Now the boys are playing for Caleb at the Hollywood Ghost Club as The Phantoms because they never met Julie. Julie never met the boys so she never played Bright and got back into the music program. Where does that leave her? That's not all that changed. Julie never met Luke, so she never fell in love with him and got over her feelings for Nick. But she also thinks she likes Flynn, or at least she did in the original time line. Reggie never figured out he had feelings for Luke and Luke never got some peace with his parents. The only thing that hasn't changed is Willie and Alex, but there's even something different about them. The boys start realizing something is off when they break Caleb's one rule and leave the club and run into Julie. They all remember her from something, but what? Being that they're already dead, the boys figure they have nothing to lose and continue to leave the club to find more out about Julie. Will they all start to remember, or is Julie and the Phatoms seperated for good? A Julie and the Phatoms fanfictionI don't own Julie and the Phatoms or any of the charecters besides Katie Mercer, Renzo Peirce, and Lucy ParkerThe ships are all over for this one. There's Juke, Julynn, Flarrie, Carrie×FemOC, Ruke, Willex, Reggie×FemOC and Luke×maleOC But the main ships are: Ruke, Julynn, Carrie×OC, and Willex Read On the Edge of a Perfect Harmony first so you're not confused (you don't have to I just suggest it)Hope you enjoy :)Warning: alcohol/drugs, abuse…