Memories Best Forgotten

Memories Best Forgotten

380 15 2

All World War Two had brought was pain, especially for the nations. Germany had gone through the torture of knowing his people had murdered so many others in cold blood, Italy felt torn between his best friends and what he thought was right, England being bombed relentlessly by German bombers, and America being bombed by Japan and then joining his soldiers on the field only to be taken by the Gestapo without anyway of escape for two whole months...I do not own Hetalia or the characters, and WWII was a historical event.Plot just came to me while reading a WWII book in English class.Thank you for reading!…

Fluffy Bordem Hetalia Shorts

Fluffy Bordem Hetalia Shorts

3,432 86 11

Just as the title suggests, these are fluffy one-shot short. I will take requests at all times. These will be AU's, nekos, nyo's, and all sorts of stuff. Fluff. Cute. Leaving readers in a gooey mess of fangirl. Thank you.I do not own Hetalia nor the characters.…

Just Survive::AmericaXreader

Just Survive::AmericaXreader

4,238 136 27

It was... It just... It all happened so suddenly. It started so quickly, you didn't think it was real. That is, until you watched you parents torn apart in front of your eyes. You kept you siblings safe, running every moment of everyday...I don't not own characters or Hetalia. That's Hima's. I own the plot.…

Misty Blue Eyes:: USUK

Misty Blue Eyes:: USUK

1,108 76 6

Before I begin, I'd like to give credit to the creator of this story, burntfeather. I'm only continuing for them. They wrote all of the prologue, and i own whatever is after that. Thank you!Depression. The only thing Alfred thought he would ever be capable of feeling again. His love, his life... Gone. Gone for good. Alfred was sure Arthur hated him. He could still remember the screaming, the yelling, the hatred filled words from the fight that started it all. The American didn't know and didn't care how long he had been curled up in his bed until his younger brother, Matthew, had come in concern for his brother's health, telling him had had been locked up for four days. They go out to a bar, resulting in Alfred drinking himself mindless. He wakes in an unfamiliar room, but honestly doesn't care. That is... until he figured out who lived in that house.I do not own Hetalia, and credit goes to burntfeather!…

Just Another Mistake

Just Another Mistake

680 38 7

US fem!UK fan fiction!High school AU!Alfred is World Academy's Golden boy. He's popular, quarterback in football, captain of the baseball team, and labeled as one of the most handsome boys in school. He also has these two friends, also popular boys, he always hangs out with. Girls and guys alike all fawn over him, and he doesn't mind.However, his childhood friend, Arthur, has a younger sister, Alice, who also is crushing hard on Alfred, but is to shy and afraid to show it.Alfred invites Alice to Gilbert's party as his date, because he secretly has his own little crush on her. They go, resulting in both of them making a mistake that will be with them the rest of their lives...I do not own Hetalia nor the characters! I own the plot line, and I hope you enjoy!…

UsUk:: Tainted Angel

UsUk:: Tainted Angel

24,755 961 10

Arthur Kirkland is one of the few Arch Angels left. He had been commanded by God to stay in heaven because both regular angels and arch angels were vanishing whenever they visited the people on earth to help them. Arthur hadn't left heaven in decades, and wanted just a peek at the earth. Little did he know that even a peek at God's creation would literally drag him down to hell...I don't own hetalia! I do own the plot, and thank y'all for reading!…

An AmeIta Fanfic:: I Want You To Smile For Me...

An AmeIta Fanfic:: I Want You To Smile For Me...

17,394 541 8

Italy was kidnapped once again by the allies. America, however, hadn't known until his friends dropped by with the Italian. France had lured in the oblivious boy at the previous world meeting, and the other three captured him so they could get whatever it was they wanted from Germany and Japan. They locked the poor Italian nation in America's basement. For weeks, the Allies would go down to the American's basement and torture Italy for information, but Italy refused to crack, unlike the last few times they took him. America felt terrible, so while his allies weren't paying any notice, he would take care of Italy. It had taken a while, but he got the smaller man to talk, and even longer to get him to smile...I don't own Hetalia, or the characters!! I do own the plotline, and thank you for readingWARNING!!:Yaoi smut, so if you don't like it, don't read it!…

Spamano:: Don't Leave Me

Spamano:: Don't Leave Me

4,687 207 8

Lovina, Romano, has a secret, soft and caring side of her she doesn't want to show Antonio, or Spain. However, one day Spain happens to walk in on her, not only finding out that secret,but another as well. Lovina had been hiding that she was sick, not wanting to worry the Spaniard. When her younger sister, Feliciana, calls to reveal something to Spain and her older sister, Romano feels alone. But Lovina can't seem to get any better. Her condition keeps worsening, and no one seems to know the cause.They have to save before it's too late.I do not own hetalia!!!!!!!!…

Remember 9/11:: Hetalia Fanfic

Remember 9/11:: Hetalia Fanfic

4,055 79 1

9/11 totally devastated all over America. What happened during 9/11 with the personifications?Today is 9/11, and my goal is to write something every year to commemorate today. I do not own Hetalia or the characters.…

2p!CanadaXReader:: I'll Protect You

2p!CanadaXReader:: I'll Protect You

6,767 200 9

One night, Matthieu, or 2p!Canada, decided to take a walk through his forest. Instead of finding nothing like he hoped, he found a girl, you, bundled up in a blanket, dirty and on the leafy forest floor, your two furry friends curled up on either side of you.I do not own you, or Hetalia or even 2p!Hetalia.I may put this up on my deviantart: HollyleapThank you for reading!…

RussiaXReader:: Loss

RussiaXReader:: Loss

346 23 1

You and your Russian husband have gone through and lost so much. Neither of you nor your friend think that'd you'd make it through another loss. Will the be a loss, or your chance a happiness you'd never thought you could have?I don't own Hetalia, Russia, any of the characters, or you, but I do own the plot.Thank you for reading!~…

GerIta: Prank Gone Wrong

GerIta: Prank Gone Wrong

128,677 4,666 28

Italy and Germany were training one day while Japan watched with a cat purring steadily in his lap. England spied on the three, and for some reason had his wand with him, sticking up out of his back pocket. Italy stumbled upon the country, and stanched the wand, hoping to pull a prank on England. Instead it back-fires on himself, breaking England's wand in the process so he can't return to normal. This will either cause Germany and Italy to drift apart or grow closer together.What happened to Italy, and will Germany stay with Italy?I don't own Hetalia or the characters! only the plotline!…

USUK:: Since Independence

USUK:: Since Independence

6,401 201 7

England; Ever since /that/ day in history, I felt as if I was crumbling apart, bit by bit. I feel as if I'm being stabbed in the heart every time I see his wonderful smile that seems to never fade, and know that I was never anywhere near the cause of that ray of sunshine. I treasure every second I'm in his presence, when I hear his voice, when I feel his warmth, anything and everything to do with him. Oh, how I have prayed to at least hold him in my embrace once more before I completely shatter into pieces of pain, loneliness, and heartbreak. However, I hadn't ever even thought I would receive more than I had hoped...So, if you couldn't tell already, England has been extremely depressed since the Revolutionary war, but covered it up with sass and nonchalantness. However, he has realized that he loves America, more then a brother or friend, or even a best friend, but think that the amazing Alfred F. Jones may not return the feelings, since he was the one had had declared independence.…

Spamano:: Sacrifices You'd Make out of Love

Spamano:: Sacrifices You'd Make out of Love

23,102 1,011 11

Spain raised Romano, and Romano decided when he was younger he was going to stay with Spain whether the tomato-eating bastard liked it or not.One day, everything was happy, Spain cleaning while Romano nommed on a tomato.However, someone was after them, and they wanted both countries dead...…