Poetry by @th3neighborh0od

Poetry by @th3neighborh0od

255 82 19

Here, I publish all of my poetry. Many include sensitive topics. Each poem will have its own part or "chapter" on here and they will be titled. I appreciate you for taking a look at my work- I hope you enjoy! I am very much open to critiques since they are not perfect!…

blue eyes arizona

blue eyes arizona

152 43 19

things i've thought of, some of you.these are fictional thoughts none of which i feel, none of which are real.• • • •- This is another poetry album specifically for romances- These poems are personal and copy righted for my use only thank you. ⚠️All photos including cover are not mine- all found off of google images⚠️Feel free to reach out to me (message me) if you ever need to talk or just want to say hello. i always answer and i'm here to help :)⚠️This story does NOT include domestic violence but incase you or someone you know may need help,here is the number:Domestic Violence: 1-866-331-9474…



24 2 1

A Subway Surfers Fictional Story‼️ALL CHARACTER NAMES ARE FROM GAME ITSELF‼️I've created my own story lines and character development! I am planning on re-writing or adding to this- I hope you enjoy it for now :)-I also wrote this for a creative writing class so maybe ideas i had were not added because this was for school…

Short Stories by @th3neighborh0od

Short Stories by @th3neighborh0od

20 3 3

Here I will publish separate short stories (all in their own part/"chapter") I write many different genres so hopefully there will be something for you! I have many more writings to be published!Please feel free to comment constructive criticism I am open to new ideas, story lines, and corrections! Thank you for reading I appreciate it <3…

War Of Secession

War Of Secession

81 18 9

Benny Bendeto, an 18 year old boy is drafted into the civil war of democrats versus republicans. His father is drafted to the other side and their family is forced to split apart. Benny's one mission is to find his younger sister Daphne.Sometimes when your looking for one thing, hundreds of other things come along instead. And Benny's case? Well, he was definitely having to carry more than he could hold. This story has multiple twists, as well as the fact that it's a short story so it moves pretty fast. Read my intro chapter to find out more!Tw: This story mentions death, and focuses on schizophrenia as well as small details of other mental illnesses.…