

27 3 4

Cyborgs. Genetically enhanced, half-robot, half-human slaves. They live in Cities all around the world, working as slaves, servants, and even soldiers. A young cyborg known as SA-7260 becomes the first to escape the constraints of Central City and make it to the rebel community on the outskirts of the world as she knows it. All she wants is peace, but before long, the darkness of her former life begins to catch up to her, and she is forced to face her past head-on.…

Trapdoor || A Phantom of the Opera/Doctor Who Fanfiction

Trapdoor || A Phantom of the Opera/Doctor Who Fanfiction

4,488 203 17

When Amelia Pond first found the hidden door in the ballet girls' dressing room, she had no way of knowing that a world of darkness and fear lay ahead of her. It was a good thing, then, that Amy wasn't easily frightened.…

trapdoor || a phantom of the opera/doctor who fanfiction

trapdoor || a phantom of the opera/doctor who fanfiction

55 4 1

A low growl reverberated through the tunnel, sending chills up Amy's spine. "I should kill you for your trespassing, not to mention your insolence, mademoiselle," said the Phantom. "I have done worse to others for lesser reasons.""Well, that's true," Amy admitted flippantly, glad her steady voice did not betray her trembling hands. "You won't, though, will you, monsieur?"The Phantom chuckled darkly. "And just why do you think that?" he questioned, an amused tone affecting his words.Amy lifted her chin. "For starters, you don't even know my name."---A rewrite of one of my most well-read fanfictions.…

karmic retribution || an undertale fanfiction

karmic retribution || an undertale fanfiction

281 25 11

"i want you to reset. not just from that SAVE point over there, but from all the way back to the beginning, when you fell. i know you can do it. you have the ability. delete the current timeline, start over, and bring everyone back." Sans's glowing eye casts blue light over your face, and his next words chill you to - well, to the bone. "if you don't, i'll destroy the SAVE point," he says, his voice calm and completely serious. "i wonder what'll happen. bet you don't wanna find out, huh?"--Aborted!Genocide Route. Sans convinces you to delete your save file and restart. What happens when you decide to stop killing for good?…

Is There Somewhere

Is There Somewhere

51 3 4

For as long as she's known him, Claire Johnson has hated Mark Kendall. He's arrogant, annoying, and a hopeless flirt, and they clash nearly every time they see each other. When he gets on her last nerve at a party and tells her she needs to loosen up, she does just that by giving him an offer he can't refuse. Suddenly the two are thrown into a whirlwind of secrets, lies, and tangled emotions, and Claire slowly begins to see that the boy she's always hated might be a boy she could fall in love with. But what will it take for them to put aside their past animosity and be together?…

ripped at every edge but you're a masterpiece (a dan and phil fanfiction)

ripped at every edge but you're a masterpiece (a dan and phil fanfiction)

181 8 8

It isn’t until much later, when everything has already happened and your life has become hopelessly entangled with his, that you even really remember it happened at all.Or, the one where Phil is a freshman in high school and Dan is the cute junior in his drama club, and they end up ruining each other.…

flowers for a boy (a dan and phil fanfiction)

flowers for a boy (a dan and phil fanfiction)

403 18 1

It’s becoming apparent to Dan that he’d much rather be on a date with their attractive waiter than the girl sitting across from him.Or, the one where Louise keeps setting Dan up on awful blind dates at the same restaurant, and he keeps getting Phil as his waiter.…

a book of poems

a book of poems

294 7 21

bits of poetry and other sort-of-poetry type things. some content may be triggering so read with caution.…

vignettes of a high school romance

vignettes of a high school romance

153 3 5

How two teenagers fall in love.…

on loving a revolutionary

on loving a revolutionary

261 12 1

Of all the men she could have chosen, she chose to love the revolutionary.…

Burning Ice || A Rierra Fanfiction

Burning Ice || A Rierra Fanfiction

202 5 1

Being a superhero is challenging enough without getting your love life tangled up in it.Sierra Boggess leads a double life. During the day, she lives normally as a citizen of Canson City, New York. At night, though, she becomes Suieis, the mysterious ice queen protecting Canson City. It’s exhausting sometimes, but she has her longtime friend Hadley Fraser working alongside her.Then one cold spring day, Canson City gets a new superhero. At first, Sierra doesn’t know what to think of this “Black Flame” guy; at the same time, she finds herself fascinated by Hadley’s attractive, enigmatic new roommate Ramin. Before long, Sierra’s feelings become clouded and uncertain at a time when it’s more important than ever to keep a clear head.What’s a superhero girl to do?…

What's In A Name? || A Rierra fanfiction

What's In A Name? || A Rierra fanfiction

5,254 182 7

Ramin is a musician barely making a living and struggling to get a role on Broadway. Sierra is an aspiring singer who works at the Starbucks near his apartment. When their lives intersect, who can say what will happen?~Because there wasn't a Rierra coffee shop AU and I thought that needed to be remedied at once. Mostly fluff, but there may be some angst. This started out as a oneshot and became several small parts, so we'll just have to see where this goes.…

College, Coffee, and Energy Drinks

College, Coffee, and Energy Drinks

52 4 1

Erik watches in mildly horrified fascination as Raoul opens the can and proceeds to pour its contents into his coffee cup. Why anyone would ruin a perfectly good cup of coffee like this, he’ll never know.“I’m going to die,” Raoul announces dramatically, then picks up the cup and downs the entire thing.…

So Close

So Close

760 30 1

Sierra isn’t sure how it happened. Before it became complicated between them, she spent thenight at Ramin’s house like it was nothing all the time. She doesn’t know whatchanged, but she had stopped crashing on his couch so often. Maybe it was aroundthe time that she began to realize she would rather sleep in his arms than onthe couch.…