Babysitting the Gods

Babysitting the Gods

30,233 691 2

It all started with a dare. A challenge, really. "A child could do your job better than you can". With a simple sentence, all of Olympus was turned upside down. Zeus and the others transformed themselves into children for one week; one week to prove that even as children, they could accomplish their jobs. Well...not their jobs exactly, but someone's job. Percy and the gang didn't plan on spending their time chasing down children deities. Everyone knew the story of what Hermes got up too when he was young, they didn't want to see what the others would do. It's a race against the inevitable, keeping the Gods out of trouble...which isn't easy, considering their gods. All they have to do is keep things orderly for one week-how hard can it be?…

Dragon on the Water (a TMNT Fan Fiction)

Dragon on the Water (a TMNT Fan Fiction)

273 10 4

For H, an alien living in the year 2105, life is pretty straightforward; sleep in the mornings, ignore Darius Dunn's constant emails and calls about doing (fairly illegal) business with him, and then run the club "Dragon on the Water" during the night. It's an easy routine-no opening up, or talking about home. No one asked, and no one cared. Enter Donatello Splinterson, who, unlike everyone H has met since their first day on Earth, actually WANTS to know about their home planet Kayō. Who wants to know about their life before Earth, who wants to know everything-he's a scientist, a dreamer, naturally curious by heart. And H loves that...but there are some secrets better taken to the grave. As Donnie and H grow closer, can H keep their secrets hidden forever? Can Donnie hide the fact that he's not from this time? Everyone has their secrets, and H and Donnie are about to learn what happens when secrets get too big for anyone person to handle.…

Legacy....what is a legacy?

Legacy....what is a legacy?

1,945 121 56

This is just random stuff. Updates with my life, maybe a few rants here and there. Photos I found and don't have anyone to send them too because I'm lonely. you know, normal stuff.…

School For Heroes (Year Three!!)

School For Heroes (Year Three!!)

6,201 223 28

Reyna struggles with her rebuilding her Hero High life and forgetting the love she had with Peter Parker.Henry wakes up every night with a new piece of a story and he doesn't know what the story is about....nor whom the story is about. Miles and Ben have to deal with Reyna hating them, and hating the Spider symbol they chosen to wear. (Meanwhile Ben struggles with the feelings he may or may not have for Reyna).Miss Martian learns a new point of view on her powers. Connor reevaluates his relationship with M'gaan, while befriending those of similar origin (clones)All while Tony Stark tries to flirt with Belle. As in, wife of Mister Gold Belle. Yep. This year is even more of a mess than the last one. With new heroes showing up for the first time, some old ones returning, and parents pulling kids out, demanding they return to their original institutes, can Hero High make it through another year? Or is this Hero Highs final year?Help from @Greek_Goddess_ on plot and cover help from @Donnie_Nerd_Forever…



382 37 11

I have a friend Who wrote a song I can't do thatI can only rhyme. So instead I took my timeAnd made a new coverTo go with my poemsThey explain my lifeMy angerOr just random thingsMy sadnessMy lossMy happiness too.Not all sadNot all angry Mostly random things through…

Ask the New Avengers

Ask the New Avengers

2,192 54 19

Toni, Sam, Leo, Tara, Nathan and Stacey (plus Adaeze;sometimes) have put up a website where you can ask them any question you like. Some of them will take dares. So ask away. No question is too weird!! (Well it is, but you know) Ask those question folks!!…

School for Heroes~ Secrets/Stories of Hero High

School for Heroes~ Secrets/Stories of Hero High

9,406 485 22

Ever wondered anything about this wonderful School For Heroes??Where it is? How to get there? How it's protected.....? How to apply? How the teachers were chosen.....? Well, all those questions can be answered right here and by your favorite students. This book holds all the answers to your burning questions.…

Ask me!

Ask me!

3,430 217 32

Here you can enter any questions you have for your favorite (or least favorite :/) author on Wattpad! Ask away my friends!…

School for Heroes (Year Two)

School for Heroes (Year Two)

54,783 2,503 58

Ah....another year at Hero High. The birds are chirping, everyone is happy to be here.....Pft. Please. Not so-welcome newcomersNew classesNew students And new crushes.....This is a whole new year for the students, and for some it may be their last.........…

New Avengers in a Chatroom

New Avengers in a Chatroom

8,811 319 58

Just because they're superheroes, doesn't mean they can't act like kids once in a while. Based off of my characters from my book "New Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D" and "The Next Generation (A TMNT and Avengers fan fiction)" You don't have to read them both, you can just read one. Or just read this. Whichever you prefer…



230 26 2

Everyone in Jason's city has gifts. Gift of writing, gift of music, gift of art. They earn them when they turn fifteen. The rarest, is the gift of sight.And Alex has it. Now, nearing his fifteenth birthday, Jason must help Alex spread the secrets of the Council and find out what his gift is. Even if it means he dies before he can use it.…

Random theories

Random theories

4,194 128 25

Just some random theories I have. Randomly…

The Tournament of Heroes

The Tournament of Heroes

2,288 97 2

You people loved the Hunger Games.....for some, odd reason yet unknown. So me, being the genius I am, decided to make this. The Tournament of Heroes. The winner, will get one wish. That they may use for anything. Each group will get a team, of any heroes that they wish. Good luck, to all heroes, and let the battle began!…

His name is Zeus

His name is Zeus

2,033 109 2

You all know Zeus right? Lord of the sky? King of the gods? Married his sister Hera? And you all know about how...uh...he "flirts" with mortal women right? Well that's about to go downhill for him. Now trapped, it's up to the Lord of the Heavens to find a way back to Olympus. Of course, he has to finish his homework first.…

Avengers Imagine

Avengers Imagine

1,218 33 12

This an Avenger imagine book. Will contain all avengers, including Vision, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Bucky and Loki I supposed. Send stuff to my inbox if you want something in particular.…

The New Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

The New Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

8,188 201 27

(Takes place after the winter solider)The world believes Nick Fury is dead and that S.H.I.E.L.D is gone for good.Well, they're wrong. The children of the Avengers have a different idea. Build up a new organization, and new S.H.I.E.L.D, for the next generation of heroes. The New Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, with Maria Fury as their director. But someone doesn't like that idea. When new heroes start vanishing one by one, it's up to the New Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D to find out who and why the agents/heroes are vanishing. They won't let S.H.I.E.L.D fall without a fight.(Heroes in this book include ones from Ultimate Spiderman (all seasons), ones I've made up, and any from the Marvel universe that I know of)…

An Iron Fist for an Iron Maiden (A Danny Rand Fan Fic)

An Iron Fist for an Iron Maiden (A Danny Rand Fan Fic)

59,268 1,566 26

Danny Rand lived in K'un L'un for most of his life, earning the Iron Fist and was destined to become King of K'un L'un. But he also was engaged. Ever wondered where he got that necklace of his? However, that was taken away by the monks.A couple years later, he was Iron Fist, working with S.H.E.I.L.D. Then she showed up again. Can Danny win her back? Will she be accepted by S.H.E.I.L.D, the monks and everyone else? And will her powers get under control? Or will Danny lose her again? Only this time, for good?…

The Avis and the Robin (a Teen Titans Fan Fiction)

The Avis and the Robin (a Teen Titans Fan Fiction)

6,727 305 9

Everyone knows that Robins family worked at a circus, as the Flying Graysons. That his Mother and Father are dead. But what about his sister? She's still alive. But they thought each other dead. So what happens when they reunite, but on opposite sides? Can his sister really be Slade's pawn, or does she have what it takes to be a hero?…

The Never Ending Jump

The Never Ending Jump

1,084 44 5

Scientist theorist that there are more than one dimension. Well, Nicky and her friend Jillian (more commonly known as Jill) are about to find out just how many........and how many turtles you can take before you go completely insane.......or how many times it takes for Cowabunga get annoying.......or just how many times Raph and Leo go at it...... (This is dedicated to my friend @Raphsgirl1399!! She's is awesome, and she also owns Jill.....)…

Personalities, Problems and Turtles

Personalities, Problems and Turtles

6,411 432 24

It's been two weeks since the big accident, and Nicky has been acting weird. And I mean Mikey weird. With her weird mood swings, hearing FOUR different voices in her head, and her new fear of needles Nicky thinks she's going insane. But something else is going on and Nicky is determined to find out. With help from a new friend, and an old friend turned good, she might just find out. Now if only she could forget all her problems, not counting the love ones. this is book two in this series. Book one, is "I never really liked the color green"…