Dragon Age Imagines

Dragon Age Imagines

2,644 75 8

Fluff, smut, angst, and everything in between. Focused on DA;I.…

Avengers Imagines

Avengers Imagines

112,887 1,386 32

Little snippets of life with the Avengers. Snuggling on the couch with Loki, kicking ass with Bucky, and teasing Steve relentlessly about wearing spandex. Smut, angst, fluff, all of it lies within!*I DO NOT OWN THE AVENGERS, ONLY THE SITUATIONS AND SCENARIOS I CREATE*…

Risk and Reward

Risk and Reward

50,890 1,954 27

"It was perfect. Everything we'd dreamed it would be. The only thing that wasn't me."After the events of Shadowsinger, Solstice is coming up. The war is over and battle is done, but that doesn't mean the difficulty ends. Everyone in the Court of Dreams is scarred from the war and even with a bright future ahead, the past clings on like a shadow. Rumblings come from the Illyrian camps along with the Blood Rite coming up and things are far from settled. Kaira has to learn her duties and adapt fast or risk losing all her Court has fought for. Or she can take her own path and risk her Court. The choice is hers.**I DO NOT OWN ACOTAR OR ITS AFFILIATES, ONLY THE CHARACTERS AND SITUATIONS I CREATE**…



204,992 6,346 30

"Perhaps this is death and it's playing a game with me. Maybe that's all death is, reliving the moment it took those that you most loved."Kaira's life ends with her family in the cold snow on the edge of the wall dividing fae and human lands. She's only a husk as she makes a bargain with a murderous Hybern soldier to keep her heart beating and is suddenly reborn from the Cauldron into a completely new world. But whatever the Cauldron awakened in her isn't just High Fae and may not even be Fae at all. As she's thrust into new surroundings with a host of strangers and an upcoming war, Kaira has to decide where her loyalties lie and what, or who, she's willing to fight for.*Takes place during ACOWAR**I DO NOT OWN SARAH J. MAAS' WORK. ONLY THE CHARACTERS AND SCENES I CREATE*…



1,368 72 16

Grant Redhallow, brother of superhero Victoria, isn't interested in the family business. After seeing the headache and heartache is causes the other Avengers, he just doesn't see himself in their ranks.He is interested in the guy he's living with who just happens to be the friendly neighborhood Spiderman; Peter Parker. Except he seems completely oblivious to the fact. But when a new enhanced appears and a new villain with her, Grant may be forced to get his hands dirty to save those he loves. And he might not escape unscathed.*I DO NOT OWN THE AVENGERS, ONLY THE CHARACTERS AND SCENES I CREATE*…



2,001 109 19

*Sequel to Third Times the Charm*After the fiasco at the Potter's, Arell finds herself scarred more than just physically as a whole new side of herself is revealed. An even darker side of her lineage is just waiting to be uncovered and offers perilous knowledge that will change everything.Meanwhile, as Arell struggles with the danger surrounding her, she also has to fight to keep her friends safe. Which means removing herself from them completely. Alone as ever, Arell needs to decide who she really is while everything around her is starting to change.*I DO NOT OWN THE MARAUDERS OR HARRY POTTER ONLY THE CHARACTERS AND SITUATIONS I CREATE*…

Daughter of Stars of Earth

Daughter of Stars of Earth

35,497 1,505 20

Aeolin of Lothlorien has been traveling across Middle Earth for a little over a hundred years. After a loss struck her heart, Lothlorien was more of a reminder of it than a home. Aeolin decides to stop by the Woodland Realm to see a friend and, of course, meets the King of Mirkwood.Intrigued by how such a hard man could raise such a kind son, she tends to push her luck with the king and may enjoy it just a bit too much. But perhaps they have far more in common than they both realize? And perhaps the both of them will find something in the other that they've been searching for?*I DO NOT OWN LOTR OR THE HOBBIT. I ONLY OWN THE CHARACTERS AND SCENARIOS I CREATE.*…

Third Time's the Charm

Third Time's the Charm

6,674 265 22

"The stars spoke of one emerging tonight. One with a shadow like a cape threatening to engulf the one it follows, but with a light that walks in front brighter than the north star. Your choice tonight will dictate which path you follow, but be careful. One most certainly means your doom."*****Arell Ackley is a fifteen-year-old orphan tired of transferring schools. First Durmstrang, then Beauxbatons, what makes Hogwarts any different?But little does she know that Hogwarts might have more secrets than even she, but with infinite more fun. She meets the lovely Lily and naturally meets the Marauders, but there's more following this girl than just bad luck...…



24,452 1,050 13

Bruised Sequel!*Five Years After the Events of 'Bruised'*Percy's in college alongside Peter and his friends thanks to her advanced intelligence, but isn't quite sure where she belongs. Her past still has its claws in her, she still doesn't know what she is, much less what she wants to do with the rest of her life. And all of this isn't helped by Bucky banning the use of her abilities. As Percy sees it, she has two choices.Disobey and do everything possible to find out who she is and what she can do?Or obey and assimilate into a world she may have never been destined to be a part of in the first place?*I DO NOT OWN AVENGERS OR ANY AFFILIATE. I ONLY OWN MY CHARACTERS AND THE SCENES I CREATE*…

In Middle Earth

In Middle Earth

462 38 4

It's a perfectly normal day until all of a sudden Dane gets dropped on his ass in one of his favorite books. While Middle Earth is enchanting and magical, it's also deadly.As he tries to figure out what happened and return home, he runs into a troublesome prince; Legolas Greenleaf. Dane is brought into the realm of King Thranduil. He must convince him of his innocence if he's going to escape and return back to the place where Middle Earth is fiction. But sometimes it doesn't matter if you're innocent or not.*I DO NOT OWN LOTR OR THE HOBBIT, ONLY THE SCENES AND CHARACTERS I CREATE*…



68,234 2,633 21

The curtain around the hospital bed slides open to reveal an African American man with warm eyes. He walks in with an easy smile and a white man steps in just behind him with dark blue eyes and near black brown waves that fall to his shoulders.The man behind him catches my eye, his eyes a bright blue with a crown of golden hair. Our eyes meet and his crystal blue ones widen. Déjà vu hits me like a truck and my mind bounces back to a fuzzy night a couple of months ago full of hard liquor. While I can't remember many things from that night, I do remember those blue eyes vividly. My lips pop open and a blush tints my cheeks as well as his. Oh, Jesus, I had a one-night stand with Captain America.Reagan Monroe was born with a gift she never wanted and hates to use now. She's isolated herself, but since life is relatively shit, trouble still manages to find her. After defending a kid from some goons, a certain group of superheroes finds her and it turns out she already knows one of them. And not in the most flattering of ways.*I DO NOT OWN THE AVENGERS OR MARVEL IN ANY WAY. ONLY THE CHARACTERS AND SITUATIONS I CREATE*…

Into the Ring

Into the Ring

52,036 2,447 25

Sequel to Punching Bag!My heart is beating about as fast as I'm spinning the two rings around my finger. I stare out the jet windows at the changing landscape, so different from where I just was. I pause and look down at the rings with nostalgia staining my tongue. A smile curves my lips up when I fiddle with the bottom shining silver band with the little A on it and then the little spider on the other."You need to calm down. Even I can hear your heartbeat." Natasha tells me calmly as she flies. A moment passes with her searching jade eyes on mine before I sigh."It's been three months," I tell her green eyes as she suppresses a smile."I've been gone longer. This was your chance to stretch your legs, Jo, and you did extremely well." She reassures me. "What's bothering you?" Natasha pushes slightly, knowing I'm not telling her something. My eyes roll."Are you forgetting I didn't exactly have permission to leave? And how adamant everyone was that I shouldn't have?" She raises an eyebrow."Everyone?" She repeats and I deflate slightly in surrender. She was on my side, mostly. "You're over eighteen and legally allowed to make your own decisions. The team has no hold on you, Jo." I fix her with an incredulous glare and her lips twitch. "Other than affection." Sighing, I press my lips together."Right. And that has no hold on me."It's been three years since the events in Punching Bag and three months since Jo left to be on her own. Returning back to the facility has its own set of problems though. Including a stubborn Steve Rogers, broken-hearted Peter Parker, and an American public that Jo must win over to be an Avenger. And even more surprises down the line...*I DO NOT OWN THE AVENGERS. ONLY THE SCENES AND CHARACTERS I CREATE*…

Punching Bag

Punching Bag

312,176 8,208 23

"Hold on!" He asks vehemently."What do you want?" I ask, irritated. His blue eyes widen and still manage to shine in the dim moonlight, his dark, golden hair looking like a halo on his head. America's golden boy he is. He hesitates at my question, as if he doesn't even know himself."Why don't you come back with me? I can get you some food, a warm bed, some clean clothes?" He offers kindly. I look at him skeptically."Back where? Your ivory tower?" I sass. He presses his lips together before jumping to the other dumpster."Look, I just want to help. It doesn't matter what the press says. They get a lot wrong anyway." He shoots a smile down at me to try and win me over."Well, that's wonderfully patriotic of you," I hop down and start walking down the alley away from him. "but no thanks." I slip my thumbs under the straps of my backpack and clutch on. Steve Rogers appears next to me in seconds, walking with me. I create distance between us, making sure we don't touch. Before he opens his mouth, I stop us both, my temper flaring up. "Look, I have no interest in being your charity case. I don't want to be in the press, used as an example of how good the Avengers are, or any of that shit. I just want to be left alone!" I huff, pulling my backpack tighter against my back to resist punching Captain America. Steve's eyes go to my still bloody knuckles in the dim light and his eyebrows furrow even further. "Oh, dear god." I complain at seeing more concern on his face. Before he can put a gentle hand on my shoulder and give me a rousing speech about justice or something I kick him hard in the balls. As soon as he leans over I start sprinting. I reach another dumpster and jump on top of it, then leap to the nearest fire escape. Then, I'm on the roof and feel like I'm flying. Some people've gotta learn the hard way; not everyone wants to be saved.SEQUEL 'Into the Ring' IS UP NOW!*I DO NOT OWN THE AVENGERS. ONLY THE CHARACTERS AND SITUATIONS I CREATE.*…



215,467 5,575 25

"I'm guessing you're here to try and recruit me? Again?" I ask him patiently. I believe this is the fifth-time Nick Fury has come calling. Each and every time I have turned him down, but eventually he comes back and proposes the same thing. "No, I'm here to see if you'd like some girl scout cookies. The Samoa's are selling really well this year." Nick sasses while giving me his signature glare. I smirk. He's a sarcastic jerk, but he is funny."Oh, well in that case..." I start and trail off, knowing it'll make him even more frustrated. He huffs and my smirk grows. "Why do you want me so bad?" I ask, honestly wanting to know. I watch Nick as he sighs deeply and clasps his hands in front of him."Your skill set is equal to the best that we have. You would be an invaluable part of the team." He explains, but he knows that isn't what I mean. We stare at each other for a moment before he sighs again. "Your history only makes you more of an impressive subject." He continues and I groan. "The point is that you would help put an end to what happened to you, on a global scale." He says. "Think about it, Shifter." Nick drops a folder on the concrete and starts to walk back to the exit of the roof. I flip through the folder lazily, barely skimming the papers, but I know all of the names already. Once I've gone through most of it I stop and toss it in the dust behind me. Reading it was useless. I wasn't made to be any sort of hero. I DO NOT OWN THE AVENGERS. ONLY THE CHARACTERS AND THE SITUATIONS I CREATE.…

Fire and Ice, Sugar and Spice

Fire and Ice, Sugar and Spice

225,609 6,078 27

I walk over behind Steve and T'Challa and peek over their shoulders at the oversized Pez dispenser. Faintly, I can see a man dressed in sterling white clothes. It's a big contrast to the dark brown, shoulder length hair on his head. While his body is blurry behind the foggy glass, I can tell that he's missing his left arm. The metal one. I look at his face curiously and find it to be peaceful. As most everyone's is during sleep. He has a strong jaw covered in dark stubble and uneven lips, the bottom is thicker than the top. Speaking of thick, by the size of the container I can tell he is. At least his arm and legs anyway. A nine point nine. And that's when he's frozen."Well. Let's crack this thing open, shall we?"*I don't own the Avengers, only the characters and situations I create*…



236,049 5,668 11

Running. Ugh. How long have I been running? My small hands shove people out of the way the best I can but I'm mostly just twisting and turning through the crowds. Still, I can almost feel his hands still on me. Reaching towards me, grabbing my shirt, pulling me back into his bruising hands. Suddenly, I run straight into someone and fall back on my butt."Christ, kid." A tall man curses and looks down at me with bright blue eyes that widen when he sees the look of pure fear on my face. "You alright?" He offers me his gloved hand and I search his face. He's familiar. The news. I've seen him on tv with the Avengers. I grab onto his offered hand with both of mine. This might be my only chance to escape.Percy has what some would call a complicated family life. While running from her life, she runs into a certain supersoldier. As much as Bucky would like to think he's a hard man, he can't resist helping this little girl. And maybe getting a little more attached than he should.*I DO NOT OWN THE AVENGERS ONLY THE CHARACTERS I CREATE*…

No Choice

No Choice

78,509 2,221 12

It's not like I'm here for a joyride or some other stupid shit. Apparently, I'm Tony Stark's daughter. Yay. A product of one of his past crazy nights out where he was a little less than careful. My mom decided to drop this on me last night, then left for work, whatever the fuck that is for her, then the car came home in the morning instead of her. Whatever. She's never been a model mom anyways. So, here I am per her uber's instructions. No clue what else to do and I have nowhere else to go, so I'm going for broke here. A letter from my mother in my hands, I finally reach the door. With pursed lips, I ring the doorbell and jut my hip out to hold my hand. A bored expression on my face and worry in my heart; I wait.I DON'T OWN THE AVENGERS OR MARVEL, ONLY THE CHARACTERS AND SITUATIONS I CREATE.…



49,010 1,361 10

The Asset.Makes it sound like there was only one, doesn't it? One assassin, one soldier, one life stolen and taken over to be used as a tool for evil minds. There was never only one. Hydra's bloodstained hands, people called them. And once one's hands have been bathed in blood so many times, it's near impossible to look at the skin and not see red. Yet, when Hydra has been pushed out into the open by the Avengers there's the slightest flicker of hope for the asset left behind. You see, I never had a Steve Rogers. No one is looking for me. The only person I've ever had is the one I was trapped with, the one that's now free. The one who, if he finds me, I will surely destroy.I DON'T OWN THE AVENGERS OR MARVEL, ONLY THE CHARACTERS AND SITUATIONS I CREATE.…

The Soldier and the Assistant

The Soldier and the Assistant

21,537 751 8

You run into a mysterious stranger on the street while running late for work and spill coffee all over yourself in the process. Later, you find out the man was none other than James Buchanan Barnes and your company is about to write a story about him. The thing is, he'll only talk to you. As you get to know one another, you both start realizing this relationship is a little more than work. Will both of you let the romance bloom? Or kill it before it starts?*I DO NOT OWN MARVEL, ONLY THE CHARACTERS AND SITUATIONS I CREATE.*…

The Poisonous Cure

The Poisonous Cure

22,960 715 7

Loki runs into a young girl on his morning walk and is shocked to learn she's more than just a minor selling herself on the streets. Her web is more tangled than perhaps even his, and she certainly holds as many secrets. He swears to find out more about her, but does he really want to?*I DO NOT OWN MARVEL ONLY THE CHARACTERS AND SITUATIONS I CREATE*…