Patiently waiting

Patiently waiting

14 0 42

For all the ones who are waiting on someone or going through something similar I'll leave this here for you remember it's okay to not be okay ( book isn't done yet)Ps.if your reading this ( she knows who she is) just know that my life is only yours I'll be here waiting always.(If your reading this you don't have to say anything but atleast like a page so I can know you did)…

You are enough to me

You are enough to me

94 13 40

3 months ago I wrote my first ever book (crazy I know right) to my girlfriend who absolutely LOVES to read and it's very cute when I watch her enter her book world. She's my book worm that's the nickname I gave her the day I met her realizing her love for books. She hasn't received the love and attention that she deserves and honestly it breaks my heart. She is nothing but amazing, sweet and kind to this world. But I believe I was put here to give her that love and everything that she's always wanted and that's what I will do until the day that I die I will always make her feel wanted no matter what. Anyone else reading this book can use any page to send to there special person I don't mind, I just only care about one person seeing this, your enough to me my book worm I love you ❤️…