Unwanted- A Felicite Tomlinson Fanfic

Unwanted- A Felicite Tomlinson Fanfic

35,820 507 33

I can't exactly explain the day I became depressed. Was it when my parents got divorced? Louis left home and out of the blue became famous? 1D fans started criticising me? Or was it the day I listened to the haters? I'm not exactly sure. All I know is when you are upset time goes by slowly. Little things get on your nerves. Everything annoys you. During that time you find out who really cares about you. But who can you trust? And then there are the clueless girls who would kill to be in my place with Louis as an older brother. But they just don't understand what my life is really like. I'm not some rich bratty celebrity. I'm a 14, going on 15 girl who had to grow up a little too fast. One exposed to society and the pressure to be perfect a little too early. And I love my family but sometimes I wish they would have given me up for adoption or something. If Lou wasn't famous I wouldn't have had to face these problems. But I'm happy he's happy. The only problem is I'm not.…

Taken-A Felicite Tomlinson Fanfic

Taken-A Felicite Tomlinson Fanfic

8,482 126 15

-Sequel to Unwanted-A Felicite Tomlinson Fanfic- *Trigger warning: self harm, abuse, eating disorders, depression, suicidal thoughts* Story belongs to me by law.Felicite continues to live safely with her brother Louis and the rest of One Direction after escaping her previous life of abuse. But now she faces depression and is constantly terrified that her mother is going to find her and her sisters. The boys continue to try their best to make her comfortable but struggle with keeping her sane. Felicite slowly sinks deeper into depression....twists and surprises await her.…