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In any street in any town or city you will find a nursery or day care for children, be it babies toddlers or children up to the age of 10 but there is one that is a little different it's called Avalon This nursery is run by someone unique, this person is Amalia light and she owns and runs Avalon nursery she has customers who will bring the children there for all day or just a few hours, her customers are unique like her currently she needs help and that is where you the reader come in You see, you notice her add asking for help this add only appears to those Amalia believes can do the job right, experience or not it won't matter the one condition that must be met is you have a love for anime, manga, games based off those shows and mangas also otome games, Amalia knows your just right for this job she awaits your reply will you take this job or won't you…