The Affair

The Affair

317,259 1,430 21

Lucius malfoy hires danielle (dani) to be his maid. it leads to a steamy kinky affair. SMUT-KINKY-STEAMY…

The boy who was found

The boy who was found

13 0 1

"RUN GEORGE!" I hear nick shout for behind me so that's exactly what I did. The loud thumping of footsteps followed close behind me and I knew I had to keep going. My lungs felt like they were on fire as a gasped for air not daring to slow down even for a second. ~OH GEORGIEEEE~ fuck. He is closer than I estimated and I'm not sure how much further I can go. Just as I was about to give up I see it. The portal not more than a yard in front of me. I can do this. I tell myself as I keep trotting forwards trying to ignore the growing pain in my head and the thumping behind me. I've been so focused on putting one foot in front of the other that I didn't see the lava pool until I was right above it. Right before I dove into the hot glimmering pool of death I gripped to the side of the pit. "fuck that was close" I mutter under my breath before frantically looking for a way out. That's when the footsteps approached from behind me. Slowly I lift up my head and standing right by my fingers which are the only thing separating me from a hot and torturous death. "Looks like I'm winning this one Georgie" The man says with a Mischievous smirk. He kicks one of my hands making it loose its grip and fall to my side. and now I'm being held up by one slowly weakening hand. I can feel my finger tips shaking and turning white from how hard I'm gripping the side of the pit. "Please you don't have to do this-" I beg. "I don't" The man admits. "I could help you out and let you go..." He lifts his hand up to his chin as if he is debating the matter. "But what fun would that be?" He says as his smirk grows wider as if this is amusing to him. He then leans down closer to my face whispering "goodbye gogy......."…

"you're such an idiot dream"

71 2 2

George finally goes to meet dream in Florida. will George confess his feelings for dream?…



57 2 1

Wilbur loves agitating quackity but what happens when this anger they have towards each other becomes more ...…