open window

open window

3,758 101 1

Kyungsoo and Jongin were once very much in love, but when Jongin vanishes, Kyungsoo becomes miserable and heart broken, haunted by memories of his once happy past. Three years later, Jongin shows up again, but he is seemingly different than he once was.…

Rumor Has It

Rumor Has It

5,824 338 9

Chanyeol hears a rumor about Kyungsoo and decides to see if it's true.Do not, I repeat do not read if you are 15 or younger. There is a reason these are marked as mature and it makes me very very uncomfortable for someone so young to read these because of the scenes. Thank you for respecting me.…

Project Baekyeol: How to Seduce Your High School Crush

Project Baekyeol: How to Seduce Your High School Crush

235,298 7,919 13

The 2min seduction mission was a major success and no one could be happier for the cute couple, but now, there is a new mission. Chanyeol is a tall, lanky junior with a messy mop of curly brown hair, large square glasses for his big brown eyes, and a 100 watt crack smile, who was infatuated was none other than Byun Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun is a smart, sassy senior with a diva streak. He wish very popular among the girls for his listening and advice skills. The short brown haired, brown eyed boy loved his eyeliner. He is the sweetest boy anyone could ever meet, unless you touch his eyeliner.This time the plan is much more devious and exciting, with the help of the boys again, they all couldn't wait for the caios to begin! This is the sequel to How to Seduce Your Straight Best Friend. Enjoy Please if you are 14 or younger turn back. It makes me severly uncomfortable when people so young read my content because of certain scenes, which is why it is rated mature. If you for some reason didnt read the tags and are shocked with the fact that, yes, there is a little bit of chansoo just like the first story had taekai and dislike that then DO NOT READ. I am tired of comments about how this is not what you wanted or came for. Sorry not sorry, thats part of the plot. Dont read it if you don't like it but do not complain about your feelings of dislike for how i wrote MY story in the comments, especially when this was being written the chapters used were chosen by the readers themselves. Thanks!…

Blossom Tears

Blossom Tears

247 12 1

Ken hadn't lived with Leo long, and they hadn't been togther much longer either, but Ken knew Leo was the one. He was nothing but sweet and caring even if he had trouble showing it. But there was something strange about him, there always had been, but now it was popping up out of nowhere. Ken wanted to know why he suddenly started ignoring him, being bothered by his playfullness, looking at him with such eyes. Eyes that held so much emotion and yet hid them so well. Eyes that scared him to death.…

How To Seduce Your Straight Best Friend

How To Seduce Your Straight Best Friend

161,398 5,243 10

Taemin, along with Key, Heechul, Kevin, Luhan and Tao are all Seoul Highs fantastic cross dressers. Every body knows who they are and love them, well everyone excluding Choi Minho, Taemin's bestfriend. Taemin just so happens to be in love Minho, but all Minho see him as is a good best friend. Everybody can tell Taemins in love with Minho, except Minho himself. The cross dressing crew and a few others are determined to do just about anything to get Minho to realize his own feelings for the boy.…

Beautiful Stranger

Beautiful Stranger

1,810 53 1

Xiumin is having a hard time dealing with Luhan's depression after Sehun leaves for a month, constantly having to take care of him. His only escape is the night time sky, staring up into, trying so hard to find the that one thing in the sky he saw the night everything started down hill. That is until he meets his new neighbor, a handsome, beautiful man who shares his interest in the night. A man who awakens him to a new life, to new powers, to new love. A man who electrifies his entire being. A beautiful stranger named Kim Jongdae. This is the fourth installation to my EXO oneshots! If you haven't read the first three please do so BEFORE reading this one ESPECIALLY Titanium, or else it wont make much sense. Now in order from 1 to 3...; open window Don't Be Afraid of the Dark Titanium…

Don't Be Afraid of the Dark

Don't Be Afraid of the Dark

3,773 115 1

For as long as Baekhyun can remember he has always been afraid of the dark. There was something in it, something evil. Something that wanted him. It hurt him snd everyone around him, whether he was close to them or not. Baekhyun was always blamed for the actions the shadows took and for the people they hurt. He tired to explain that it wasn't him causing these problem and accidents, but no body would listen. Everyone thought he was crazy, mad, insane. He was eventually placed into an insane asylum for things he never did, but was a sad witness to each and every thing. Baekhyun does his best to stay out of the shadows, but solitary confinment is one big room full of them and that is exactly where he finds himself when thigs start to begin happening within the instistution. Can the help of one mysterious boy who only shows up in the darkness of Baekhyun's confinment cell save him from the terrible ending the darkness has planned for him?…

Teach Me A Lesson

Teach Me A Lesson

2,343 85 1

Sehun gets very jealous when his fellow teacher flirts with one of his students father.…

Secret ASIAnts

Secret ASIAnts

53,415 1,410 28

Jonghyun and Taemin are best friends and ninja assasions who have been sent on their next mission where they must attend college, become friends with Minho, Key and Onew, get information from them, then kill them. The only problem is Taemin broke the number one rule of being a ninja assasion. He fell in love.pairings:2minJongkeymy type of ninjas: Okey my ninjas are kind of like the ones in ninja assasion. (if you havnt seen it well....then....nvm) and the dude from assasions creed.(if you don't know that well then maybe you should looks these things up!) they have this thing that controls them like in some vampire stories the vampire has a hungre that sometimes takes over and they have to fight it, well it's like that except it's the need to kill the person there marked to. It also takes over when they get very pissed off so they learn to control there emotions very well. i'll try to explain it better in the story…

In Your Eyes

In Your Eyes

606 22 1

The world has change. Human's have changed. The way things work has changed. Human experimentation has made a new world. But the change taken by society, the rules the government implemented were not the change expected. Anything deemed unfit by them was punishable by what ever means they saw necessary. No juries, no judges, no court. Everything was decided by them. How does one know when he's fallen in love? How does one know the exact moment it happens? Your eyes. Your eyes, when born are two different colors and when your find your significant other they change. The world will know.So how is one supposed to except the fact that the one they love is not who society thinks fit for him? No someone they deem right. How is Kim Jongin supposed to except that fact that in a world run by them who say one man and one woman is the only way to love, his one true love is a boy.…

Once Upon A Dream

Once Upon A Dream

374 20 1

For the past few weeks every night Yixing has been haunted by a dream of a young man attempting to take his own life. The images were beyond disturbing to the doctor and kept him awake for many hours, but when the man from his dreams ends up in his hospital bed and two seemingly familar strangers show up, Yixing is in for a rude awakening of who he really is. This is the Fifth installment of my Exo one shots. Please read the other oneshots before starting this one, they are all connected. Also please be warned that this Story does Contain attempted scuicided and rape. Read at your own discresion. I am sorry to those who many not be able to continue do to triggers. If you haven't done so already please read the other four stories before starting this one. They all intertwine and wont make sense if you don't! Here they are in order: Open window, Don't be Afraid of the Dark, Titanium, and Beautiful Stranger.…

Luhan's Distraction

Luhan's Distraction

3,101 177 3

Dance with Me

Dance with Me

173 9 1

Hongbin is challenged by Jongin to a free throw compitition in the heat of the moment. It being his specailty, he agrees. So how is it he looses and becomes the dance captians slave for a week?…

My Explanation

My Explanation

280 13 1

Kris goes back to the EXO dorm one last time.…

How To Seduce Spin-Off's

How To Seduce Spin-Off's

882 55 1

This will be a bunch of spin off one shots dedicated to my How To Seduce series. It was highly requested and so I have started it! It will be filled with smut and fluff and origin stories of how most of or all the couples got together and how they are doing in the future. I also might do little snipits of things going on in the two stories from other peoples points of views as a sort of behind the scene type deal.I hope you all enjoy! If you have yet to read the How To Seduce Series I would highy recommend doing so before starting this! How To Seduce Your Straight Best FriendProject Beakyeol: How To Seduce Your High School Crush…

Curiosity Killed the Cat

Curiosity Killed the Cat

959 46 3

Tao has never failed an assignment before, never back down from a kill. Why is this mark any different? Why does he make Tao curious for the first time as to why he was sent? What is it about this one that makes him go back on everything he's ever know?…



1,703 45 1

Luhan is a troubled kid. He never really had friends, but the two tha made up his whole world. Xiumin and Sehun had been with Luhan ever since they were little kids. But that could never stop what always came in the end. He was constantly bullied and picked on by other kids his whole life. He had thought about suicide once or twice, but someone was always there to stop him. Sehun. He was the only one who knew Luhan's deepest secrets, not even Xiumin knew. But when Sehun goes off to a camp for a month he comes back different, colder, harder and Xiumin goes missing along with his new boyfriend. On top of it all he begins experiencing werid ablities. All of the events send Luhan spiraling. That is until an accidental kiss between Luhan and Sehun reveal that his strange ablities are something more. He is something more.…

High School Girls

High School Girls

5,761 122 1



42,346 1,081 22

Key looked up from the book he was reading at the sound of the class room door banging open. Some people laughed. "Nice of you to join us Mr. Lee." There in the doorway stood a blushing boy.'Oh how adorable!'Key watched the boy as he walked to his desk, tripping on the way over someone's foot. The room bursted into laughted. "Slut down!" Some one yelled. Key frowned. The boy just gave him an unseen glare before taking his seat.Key couldn't concintrate on the book he was supposed to be reading...only the boy. Some thing about him drew Key to him....but he didn't know what. The boy turned his head a little to peek over at him. Key studied him. He had a round face with a black mushroom styled hair that oddly worked for him. Brown almond shaped eye's and plump pink lips. He smiled at the boy"Hi! I'm Key!" He whispared sticking out his hand. The boy just looked at it. "Your supposed to shake it." The boy slowly took Keys hand ,shaking it.Keys smiled widened. He saw a small smile play at the boy's lips. "You'r just so cute!" Key squiled excitedly. The boy blushed again but smiled more. "I'm Taemin." He said shyly.Key could tell they would become great friends...................but he didn't know the trouble that awaited them in the future.........…



13,680 320 9

Sequel to STRONGIt's been four years since Key was forcefully taken away from Taemin by his father. Taemin, Minho, and Jonghyun now attened Seoul University. Taemin does his hardest to stay happy and to never give up hope on Key, but sometimes it can be difficult. What's even more difficult is getting ride of sweet Sulli, who thinks their ment to be and wont leave him alone. What happenes when Key finally returns for Taemin? Will their love be the same and can it with stand Sulli's attempts to make sure Taemin's heart is hers?…