The colorful death

The colorful death

218 24 18

This is a book about two skateboarders brought together by fate. This is about a girl named Juliet and a boy named Tim. They meet while skateboarding and become friends. But everything changes when Juliet goes missing and when Tim starts looking for her, he finds himself tangled in a dangerous andventure where he can not trust anyone but himself and Juliet.Please review and tell me whether you'd like me to update or not, cause I'm not really sure.…

Song book 2

Song book 2

6 0 6

So, this is my second song book and the songs in it have been written a year or two after the songs in the first one. Therefore, the songs in this one are a bit better, cause my writing style has changed a lot since then.Anyways, if you like it, please vote, comment and share and i hope you have a nice day.…

My songs

My songs

130 27 21

So... This is my first collection of songs that I wrote and therefore aren't really all that good. Thanks for reading them!…