C O U L D   Y O U


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Probably just random thoughtsRAFAEL MATRINA - 06/09/1983. criminal background. In and out of jail and rehab as a teenager. Father of two. Widower. Made millions throughout early 20's through illegal dealings.XIOMARA MANDEZ - 19/03/1985. known as Xo. Failed acting and singing career. Works as a nursery school teacher. Struggling on a low paid job. Lives alone.As technology progressed, people became what was scientifically known to society as brain dead. These are only two of the 7.5 million files that are kept on an international governmental database that keep the world from literally falling apart, let's say falling into an amnesiac state. Each and every file containing personal history, birth date, previous relationships, Heath and any possible thing that you could think of has been wired onto chips inside of our heads to keep everyone sane since technology took a turn for the worst. But what happens when these files go missing, and nobody, not even you have a clue who you are.Definitely smut…